what is this email I keep receiving?

24 Aug 2006
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nearly all strange emails with gifs attached are just spam. the .gif may not take up much space, but it still makes the email much bigger then a text only email. 1 email with a gif may not take up much space or use much bandwidth to send, but when you work out the millions of spam emails daily/weekly then all that space/bandiwdth all adds up. thats all the strange gif attachments are for, to make the spam use more bandwidth and space, thus be more of a problem (may not for the reciever, but for the companys who store emails and the internet itself for having to transmit so much spam it can be a problem).
Yep crystaline hit the nail on the head.

I checked a company once with some financial analysis tools I have available to me, the company is normally absolutely worthless.
Lol I get about twenty of those a day it's an absolute pain in the bum. I'm really sick of the ammount of rubbish that I get these days and there is fall i can do about it.
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