What is this from

I like the tank bit at the start of the CGI, but then I've always been a fan of formations of tanks driving along like that.
LabR@t said:
i think its reference to hitler himself in a lot of his prophetic quatrains the spelling is a little off , probablt due to how languages change of the years

It is true that in a number of quatrains he mentions the name Hister (somewhat resembling Hitler), but this is merely the classical name for the Lower Danube, as he himself explains in his Presage for 1554.

As said, it refers to an area in Germany :)
Jono said:
Actually the music is by Clint Mansell - something from the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack (remix, dunno who did it though) (I think).

Its the song "Marion Barfs" from that soundtrack.
the ace CG fotoage on the bridge is from the killzone 3 trailer for ps3, definately worth a watch
HD trailer: ftp://mirrors.blueyonder.co.uk/sites/kikizo.com/games/e32005/kikizo_ps3_killzone2_df_hd.wmv
(right click save as)

i believe the track is a remix of Lux Æterna by Clint Mansell, there is at least 4 other versions on the soundtrack of Requiem for a dream. also redone for one of the lord of the rings films, aptly named Requiem for a Tower, and also on the da vinci code trailer. coolio tune :cool: .
i think the 2012 is the ww3 prediction from nostradamus' writings

think they missed gears of war in that game, and the space game near the end was dark star one, but i'm probably wrong there

still lots of kick ass stuff to look forward to :)
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I recognised 'Killzone 2' from the PS3 in there, the one with the hovering troop carriers and the firefight on the bridge.

Also, the shot of the thousands of aircraft screaming through the valley which then pans up to the big 'mothership' style carriers which launch them is from the PS3 title 'Warhawk'.
Azagoth said:
I recognised 'Killzone 2' from the PS3 in there, the one with the hovering troop carriers and the firefight on the bridge.

Yeah thats was the one Sony claimed to be in-game footage iirc, or somewhere along the line that rumour came out. Its all pre-rendered I seem to remember :)
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