What is up with the price of the Wii?

18 Oct 2002
When it launched, the Wii was speculated to be ~£150 and OK, everyone was disappointed when it debuted @ £179.

Who is responsible the now ludicrous prices? The retailers, or Nintendo?
Nintendo UK control the price in the UK, so they are to blame. I'll wager that Nintendo Corp. doesn't know that the UK is bringing great shame on the name Nintendo :(
Good thing I brought my brothers Wii for Christmas 3 months ago as I could see that this was going to happen again for the 2nd year running. Looking at all these prices and what people are paying for them is madness. No matter if its Nintendo's, suppliers or retailers fault for all these high prices, there is one simple word to summarize it all........................Greed!!!
Nintendo UK control the price in the UK, so they are to blame. I'll wager that Nintendo Corp. doesn't know that the UK is bringing great shame on the name Nintendo :(
Nintendo are responsible for the shortages. The retailers are responsible for the price increases.
Retailers make very little profit on the wii, as low as £10 IIRC. Before launch, UK retailers wanted their buy in price lower so they could make more profit, as for one example their rents are higher than other countries, but Nintendo let them make more on software and accessories.

Who is to blame? It would have been bad business for Nintendo to overproduce, but even they have been surprised by demand. The DS was also in short supply last year and the year before, pink totally ran out and was going for £150+ on auction.
I just managed to get one this morning for £239 with 3 games and the accesory pack from a well known catalog store. They are a bit like rocking horse **** though at the moment.

Dammit! I saw these this morning and thought the retailer was taking the mickey with the price. Didn't notice it included 3 games!! Feel stupid now :(
Recommended Retail Price

All retail is greed... It's how any company makes a profit based on supply and demand as stated earlier.

If you want it, you'll pay for it and there's nothing like Christmas to get demand moving. It not just the consoles either. I saw this train set I wanted to buy my son for christmas a few years back.. It was £99. I went back a week later when he wasn't around and the same item in the same shop was £119.

Given the chance, we would all make a profit on such a misfortune if we had the oppertunity.
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