what is/will hold me back?

4 Nov 2004
Norn' Iron'
current system is as follows

e6300 @ 3.15 (450x7)
2gb geil ull dual channel @ 900mhz
asus p5b deluxe
msi 7900 gto at stock for the minute
audigy 2 5.1 but i only use stereo

whats the next component that i will have to change within the next year, bearing in mind a do game - FPS's mainly

i can see it being the gpu first but what about the sound card? for games like crysis etc will they support the audigy 2 or will i benefit from an x-fi?
I don't think an x-fi will offer a major improvement to that system especially if you only use stereo, an amp and some good speakers if you don't have them already would be better.

Definitely the graphics that need to be upgraded first, not that it is exactly slow anyway.
Raikiri said:
I don't think an x-fi will offer a major improvement to that system especially if you only use stereo, an amp and some good speakers if you don't have them already would be better.

Definitely the graphics that need to be upgraded first, not that it is exactly slow anyway.

amp and speakers i have, Yamaha and Warfedale combo, looks like a gpu uprgade later on towards xmas tbh is in order - maybe a 8800gtx by then they should be cheap as chips
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