What is wrong with people in the world? (BBC news)

Visage said:
People are messed up and do messed up things. Nothing new in that.....

Yes but these are aid workers, not your normal brand of weirdos. I dont know, I know things like this shouldn't suprise me but this just did :(

KaHn said:
Yes but these are aid workers, not your normal brand of weirdos. I dont know, I know things like this shouldn't suprise me but this just did :(


I know what you're saying. Its just that in this era of 24h rolling news I just feel 'shock fatigue'. Im genuinely concerned that its been a long time since a read something like the quoted story and was genuinely shocked. Now all it doses is elicit a slight tut, a shrug of the shoulders and then me going off to click the next link......and I think *that* is more shocking than anything else. I suspect I'm not alone in this....
cleanbluesky said:
Sometimes I think depravity pops up wherever it has the chance...

I agree. I just don't think it's in everyone's nature to be 'nice' and do the 'right thing'. It's just what's expected. I also agree with Visage about the worrying about not feeling shock. We're becoming almost immune to these things now, and that's the most worrying thing of all imo.
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