What is your development environment - hardware and software?

Windows/Linux/MacOS? A mix of windows and linux depending on what i'm doing.

Desktop or laptop? both, 2017XPS15 for mobile work, i tend to separate home/work by leaving the house all day to work on the laptop. Desktop for late night serious thinking work where i need screen space and a quiet environment (usually only after midnight lol).

Multiple monitors or one large one? 2 28" 4k monitors on desktop.
on laptop i use the multi desktop feature and ususally run 4 virtual desktops.

What type of development do you do? Web Development with Laravel + various degree related stuff depending on classes.

What tools, IDE's and editors do you use? Small edits Sublimetext3, IDEs the various jetbrains offerings as well as visual studio when i have to. Git and docker get used too.

Professional or hobby? Both
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