What is your facebook user experience like?

Made an account a couple of years back as i wanted to look at a animal rescue shelter that only had a facebook page. On the very first day of creating the account it got locked for some kind of security check and they wanted me to upload stuff to unlock it. The first thing they wanted was a picture which i managed to get around using a random picture, then they wanted me to upload ID in the form of drivers licence and/or passport. I checked online and although it doesnt happen to everyone it does happen to some people and there is literally no way around it. I simply gave up on facebook at that point, no way i was uploading ID for a minor account i only wanted to casually use. I checked it again something like 6 months later thinking the account may have been fully closed by then but it was still at the same locking screen and i have never bothered to go back since.

Have never felt it was a great loss.
More to the point - what did Preti have to tell these folks about their (supposed) end to end encryption plans, facilitating child crime, organised crime ...
is the EU going to uniformly buoycott the product.
(google came back with their tale between their legs after the Australian advertising debacle)
FB is full of tripe generally. I post my yearly gig photos I goto on there, about it :p

Prefer Instagram, feel like I can post more and be myself there ironically enough, but even that I rarely post now.
I do have a Facebook account but it's only used if somewhere needs you to 'like' something in order to claim a free game or DLC. And surprisingly, Juan Kerzhoff is not my real name. :D
FB is dominate in the space, and the group is for everyone that has a particular product.
-- Curious... is your suggestion just meaning that the group is a 'shell', and just redirecting people to a website?

Personally... I like to see what my wife and friends put up. I barely post to my own personal page.

If I'm a problem, it would be in the 'posting crap on sponsored posts' arguing with people where it will make zero difference lol.

Anime and manga? I haven't been interested in that since I was at college, but ok :p (hopefully just an example). If you read the original post, you will see that groups aren't really impacted by advertising yet, so it won't benefit anything at present for moving a group to a website)


I think FB is trying to push advertising as far as possible now. They will continue until they start losing money from doing it.
It might be 'now' in the USA but here it's been going on for at least 13 years I know of.
When I got my job at the hospital my new boss actually said we couldn't find anything nasty on Facebook.

I work for a legal firm and work in IT security/dev. I had a ton of background checks done that took weeks, but I don't see any FB being checked. If there was a deep trawl of all my posts then being less than courteous to random muppets might come up lol.
I rarely if ever use stuff like the Facebook app - the design focus and so on just isn't for people like me.

I use the browser based site with most stuff filtered so I only see what I want to see, etc. though I do notice these days my feed getting filled with more and more (not friend related) random stuff but I don't even waste my time on it - I don't understand why some people get so worked up about it when they have a [realistic] participation choice - I could understand it more if they had no choice.
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The back button is amazing. 10/10. Is my automatic reaction whenever I accidentally follow a link to a Facebook page.
Do you find the 'pages' app any good? I've not found it reliable in giving notifications.

There used to be a Groups app too and it was great for me as I tend just to use it for the various interest groups, mainly cars, that I'm a part of.

Whilst that app existed I bare ever looked at the main app because it's just full of drivel.

Unfortunately Zuckerberg pulled the app and made changes to the server-end meaning the app couldn't access anything. I suspect that it was because of people like me, using the Groups app instead of the main app & losing the ad revenue.
I find it a great tool for keeping up with certain friends that if it wasn't for FB we would have probably drifted apart due to our current locations/lifestyles. Also being part of some local community forums and obtaining information on various topics/hobbies I'm interested in.

The tool is what you make it and you can improve your user experience by:-
  • Not adding racists, idiots and people you don't really know that well to your friends list (Yes Karen I find it hard to believe you have 2000+ friends you know that well :p)
  • Not using your Facebook account to log in or link to external sites
  • Not accepting whenever something pops up asking for your permission to show you something
  • Reject/blocking content and people you have no interest in
  • Not posting content you wouldn't be happy with a wider audience seeing at a later date

Just looking at my FB feed now and after scrolling through several pages I'm yet to see a sponsored add, I do get them but very rarely.
None existent.

There is no link from any of my online stuff to real life. So no one can find any history on me. That goes for IP addresses too.

The big facebook hack recently shows why you should be anonymous on the internet. Anyone with a facebook account can now be found in real life or phoned up lol
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I quit FB almost 2 years ago as I didn't like the direction it was going back then. Don't miss it at all though I'm thinking of rejoining for FB marketplace only.
I always found Facebook to just be really scummy, I hate it. I do have an account - but mostly because I'm a member of a couple of private fishing syndicates - and basically they're managed by private facebook groups... if it wasn't for those, I'd axe my account in no time, I think the platform is trash.
I feel like I have become a worse human from using it.

And same as above, I have a group of 3000 people that I look after, that I have managed to it not become a toxic cesspit by close monitoring and guidance. Between that and seeing family stuff is only reason to have it.
facebook itself hasn't been a bad experience for me personally. i'm quite old :) and have reconnected with; school friends, ex-army mates, and various others i've met through shared likes of music, etc. and those are the prime group i'm in regular contact with.

the news feed itself is a bit of a nightmare now. its main selection is from a buy n' sell group i registered with months ago. also because i recently bought a couple of VST plugins which were knocked down in price a lot by their respective manufacturers i've also seen a huge influx of associated plugins, music creation software, and similar sorts of stuff

my news feed does also include regular updates from the media outlets i've 'liked' or 'followed' which is a good sign

i use a firefox addon called facebook disconnect which does reduce the amount of their ads which users can be hit with which does seem to have an effect. i've also opted out of the facebook adverts section on the user settings page. but i'm not sure what that actually entails. it could mean that rather than ads to related to activities/groups/etc. i would just be hit with generic ads. but the disconnect plugin takes that concern ( :) ) away

my main use, almost all of the time is to add witty (in my opinion :) ) comments to others' pages and articles which they post. as i said the main group i'm active with are former school friends and ex-army mates so any humour that they don't get is always overlooked and it's just a laugh all round

i also like to browse and troll almost some of the conspiracy theory-related pages. yes it is childish of me :) but sometimes humour does work. and i'll be honest, a lot of the people who follow and propagate the conspiracies themselves seem to be doing it for a laugh

i also try (but very rarely have success) with anti-vaxxers. and use articles from media outlets as a source for the counter-argument to the posts/comments i see. the outlets i use for the articles are those which most would consider believable and not prone to conspiracy theories
Uninstalled the app a year or so ago, but still have an account that I check on occasion on my PC

Uninstalled because I was checking it for no reason, but also because of privacy concerns about what they were doing with my information/phone location etc

Sure enough only a couple of weeks ago it turns out they had let someone scrape my mobile phone number and profile information, despite ALL of my privacy settings being set to prevent this.

Should delete my account really, but seems like a pointless exercise as they have my information now and wont really delete it if I ask them to. No matter what the law says.
I deleted my Facebook today. Had a bad experience with Covid earlier in the year and started to ask myself "does this bring me pleasure?" and the answer was a firm no. To many ads, to many interruptions, extensive tracking etc.

Then I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix and realised just how much we are the Product being sold on Facebook. So decided nope not for me anymore.
I haven't used Facebook properly since maybe 2011 or 12 at the latest. I was a obsessed with it for ages, several status' a day. liking all the meme pages etc. Then one day I just felt over social media. I did log back into it a few years later as it was required for Tinder but once I was done with that I was done with Facebook and social media in general really

It certainly had its uses but I felt it was making people, I suppose myself included, a bit too narcissistic for my own liking.
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