Made an account a couple of years back as i wanted to look at a animal rescue shelter that only had a facebook page. On the very first day of creating the account it got locked for some kind of security check and they wanted me to upload stuff to unlock it. The first thing they wanted was a picture which i managed to get around using a random picture, then they wanted me to upload ID in the form of drivers licence and/or passport. I checked online and although it doesnt happen to everyone it does happen to some people and there is literally no way around it. I simply gave up on facebook at that point, no way i was uploading ID for a minor account i only wanted to casually use. I checked it again something like 6 months later thinking the account may have been fully closed by then but it was still at the same locking screen and i have never bothered to go back since.
Have never felt it was a great loss.
Have never felt it was a great loss.