What Is Your Sky Package And How Much You Paying

mmm I pay £87 a month. I don't have internet or phone with them just the TV programmes inc movies, sports and a multiroom.

Now I've looked that seems a lot, is there a chance of getting a better deal with sky atm? I've been with them for 15 years+

If you cancel and get a new contract under a different name (get your other half to do it) you should get a better deal and something like 1/2 price for 12 months. Also, go through a cash back site and get money back.

You won't get anything out of them for being with them for 15 years unfortunately.
Currently getting shafted, although that will change at the end of this month:

Sky + HD

£70 a month :mad:
Family pack
HD pack
Basically everything bar sports stuff

~£21 pm after taking into account the cashback they gave
Family pack
HD pack
Sports pack with HD
Broadband and phone
Sky go extra thingy

£89 :(

I've tried a few times to get the price reduced a little but that is apparently the best they can do.
Family Pack
Crappy unreliable broadband

£100 a month. yes £100. Most people are paying £60 for the same. I hate Sky.
That is seriously excessive. Why don't you drop them, surely you could get an equivalent much cheaper elsewhere? E.g bt or virgin.

Stuck in contract. That's why I'm hoping they try to increase the price so I can leave without having to pay them loads of money
Just added TV to my existing VM BB sub-for 80p extra a month I'll get the same channels I'm receiving currently with Sky and then additional ones (like BT Sport).

And saving £45 a month by cancelling Sky in the process.

So from the 28th I'll be on:

Big Kahuna Package (no Sky Sports/Movies)
M Phoneline/XL Broadband (200mb)

Far too much, but unfortunately I don't have much choice where I live if I want sports in HD. I should probably cancel the movies though. Think I pay £75 a month for Sky World HD+Movies+Sports, can't even record+view another channel as only have one feed from the communal dish and also can only get ADSL2 which restricts other options.
£67 for everything plus multiroom. Goes up to full price if 87 in January as I have 25% off for 12 months. Waiting on a release date for the new sky q box before making the call and switching it to missus name for new deal. Sky q box looks awesome though.
V Media XL phone , XL TV ( no sport or movies) and XL BBand (200 meg) + extra tv box in bedroom £80 per month
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Sky+ HD
Variety Pack

£27pm and £120 cashback.

So £17pm, happy enough with that!

My deal comes to an end next month so will be trying to do the same again.
Anybody had luck with ringing Sky and threatening to leave??

I got away with this a few years back and got a 12 month half price deal. I only use Sky for phone and broadband now anyhow, as I don't watch live TV anymore, I just use catch up services or movie streaming services such as Playstation movies, Amazon Prime or sometimes I might stump up the £9.99 a month for Now TV...

I have actually saved a fortune by not having Sky live TV services and no TV license. And it pays for Movie rentals on Playstation Movies or my Amazon prime sub etc...
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