What mag's do you read?


Custom PC

Zoo and Nuts are class imo, read probably every page (apart from the tv guide, just WHY!?) Banzai expecially if i spy a crazy skyline on the front and custom pc for the features and how to's.
PC Zone mostly.
And every week at work i read Zoo & Nuts. And then whatever else is around.
And i use the term 'read' loosly. :p
penski said:
They have words?

I thought they were just thinly-veiled jazz mags...


its basically a condensed weekly version of FHM and the like. Only without the stupid gay bit of guys with stubble and fake tan modelling stripey t shirts and wearing scarves in the sun.
Practical Performance car
Practical Classics
Retro Cars Magazine
Street ma...<cough> American Car World
Custard Car
PC Gamer (religously! :D )
Classic Trader
Hot Rod
Occasionally Triumph World/Octane/Evo/Top gear. Usually just for the pictures.
Dirtbike Rider

When it takes my fancy:
Various tattoo mags (hottest chick on the cover wins tbh)
Ol' Skool Rodz (crap name awesome mag)
Custom Car
Retro Cars
Street Machine (whatever they're calling it these days)

practical photography (subscribed)

amateur photography (subscribed)

photography monthly

also buy nuts and zoo sometimes
Good to see a few people here read the Economist, great weekly for current affairs, politics and economics.

Ontop of the Economist, I also read the Spectator for its opinion and comment (though it can be incredibly biased) and sometimes read New Statesman, as my girlfriend is a subscriber. :)
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