What "man jobs" have you done today?

Aerated the lawn yesterday, lots of clay in there and it gets in a state each year so brushed in sand afterwards and will get a good layer of topsoil on shortly for seeding.

No point seeding until the ground temps are at least 10-12°C for an extended period else the seed wont germinate or will germinate only for cold temps to return and kill the seedlings.
Aerated the lawn yesterday, lots of clay in there and it gets in a state each year so brushed in sand afterwards and will get a good layer of topsoil on shortly for seeding.
Does the water sit on the surface or is it just generally wet. If it stays wet you might need extra drainage rather than just aerating the soil.
Aerated the lawn yesterday, lots of clay in there and it gets in a state each year so brushed in sand afterwards and will get a good layer of topsoil on shortly for seeding.

Same issue over here so this is something I'll be looking to do around May-July time when I'm free. I either sort the drainage issues etc out or lay artificial grass down and I'm leaning more towards the latter.
Cleaned the windows inside and out.

Transplanted some wildflower seedlings from the plug trays into bigger pots. I sowed some wildflower seeds into plugs trays a couple of weeks ago with the idea to fill in any bare spots on the wildflower area I sowed last year. The Corn Cockle germinated in about 4 days in the kitchen and the others are starting now (2-3 week germination I think). Anyways, the Corn Cockle was at 2 leaf stage last week so I left them another week and then separated them out and into bigger pots to give them more room and to continue growing. I'll put them in the wildflower area around April time so they should hopefully be a decent size by then.



Got about 3 plants there. Looking a little sorry for themselves at the moment due to just moving them and watering them in (why the compost looks like mud) but should hopefully perk up in the next day or so as they establish themselves.
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Threw the false wall up and did the final first fix on the plumbing for the toilet.


Unfortunately the boarding on the hip sticks out like a sore thumb so I'll probably end up uPVC cladding or something anyway. It'll do for now at least.

Ceiling has had a first coat and I've got the paint for the other walls so radiator can go on forever.

I'll then overboard the chipboard with 6mm tileboard and first fix the bath.

Then I can do the waste and soil...and order the tiles.... Had enough now :D
Threw the false wall up and did the final first fix on the plumbing for the toilet.


Unfortunately the boarding on the hip sticks out like a sore thumb so I'll probably end up uPVC cladding or something anyway. It'll do for now at least.

Ceiling has had a first coat and I've got the paint for the other walls so radiator can go on forever.

I'll then overboard the chipboard with 6mm tileboard and first fix the bath.

Then I can do the waste and soil...and order the tiles.... Had enough now :D
That's a big letterbox
How would you chaps attach tileboard to the floor? I have 18mm chipboard base. Can I just use regular 4x30mm wood screws? I can use regular floor screws and go into the joist too.
Cheers chaps super useful.


Got the eaves vent in and put the ceiling on. Paints all done now too. Just held up by the waste pipe/soil pipe and tiling now. Thank god.


Over the weekend I did another batch of kindling with the kindling cracker


Then decided to, finally, get round to putting guttering round the second log store, so, of course , it hailstoned



Then decided to shift the remaining logs from the big store into it, to get more exposure to the sun and free up the big store for the next batch of home processed timber



Full to the brim



And still enough left over to go into the third store


And another long overdue chore ..

We have two compost bins I made from some old pallettes


The problem is they are in the chicken run and the chickens like nothing more that scratching about in it and throwing the compost material out - therefore we have no compost

Decided to make some frames to sit on top




Stapled some mesh over them and into place

Not pretty, but di the job. They were slightly more complicated as the bins ain't square or flat ....


Having the larger holed mesh I'm hoping grass cuttings, chicken bedding / waste can still be thrown in without having to remove them but still keep the chucks out
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