What mic?

After having tried condensers I now record with what I gig with.

SM58's are good mics but I now use an Electrovoice ND767.

What would i need to record high quality speach onto my pc? When i record with any microphone the sound is crackly and generally rubbish. My soundblaster seems to have the habit of also recording through my speakers.
ferretmaster said:
What would i need to record high quality speach onto my pc? When i record with any microphone the sound is crackly and generally rubbish. My soundblaster seems to have the habit of also recording through my speakers.

Do you have your speakers plugged into your microphone socket?

Still say you should go with either a SM86 or KSM-109. Or sm58 if you don't have/want +48 volts and wont miss the added sexyness. I use these mics regularly and have yet to be let down :). I once watched someone throw an sm58 clean accross a practise room and take a chunk out of a wall (well the plasterboard). Plugged it back in and it was still going strong lol. Gotta respect that.
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