What mmorpg to play?

House said:
I've gone back to EQ2 and i must say its matured nicely.

I was on the beta and played for a while on release till most of my guild went to wow then i called it a day.

I went back 2 weeks ago and even though some of the harder elements have been toned down (mainly the death penalties have been nerf down allot), there is allot more solo content and the game is allot more polished than it was.

After what they did to SWG i didnt hold out much hope but EQ2 has actually impressed mel.

Sorry for the hijack in advance ;) I picked EQ2 up for a tenner the other day and will be loading it up either tonight or tomorrow depending upon how long the after work friday beer session lasts. Any advice for a total newbie?
Any things I should know, any classes /races to avoid etc? Any help would be appreciated!

Also glad to hear Saga of Ryzom has developed nicely. I beta'd that game, but fell by the wayside along the way, I might have to check it out depending on how things work out with EQ2.
badgermonkey said:
Everquest 2 is always overlooked, as it's release was overshadowed by World Of Warcraft. A terrific game though :)


I like EQ2, its a lot better than people give it credit for. I came to it from a few months in WoW and never looked back. They have PvP servers now as well if you are in the mood for it.

Other than EQ2 the only other ones I've taken to is Eve Online but that needs some serious long-term dedication to get anywhere tho...and then there is Gulid Wars ep1 & 2. Have really enjoyed that as well.
Zefan said:
Is Saga of Ryzom really that good? What's there to do? Someone convince me to play it :p

I've not played much of Ryzom, but here's what I can say from when I did:

Community - Pretty much the opposite of WoW, loads of friendly people, very few '1337 pplz', if any, and everyone is happy to help you out.

Graphics - Similar to SWG, but I'd say the actualy environments are MUCH better with wild creatures roaming about killing eachother and appropriate weather conditions for the correct seasons.

Gameplay - Ryzom's best feature. Can do anything you want to do, from crafting to exploration to hunting and magic, all without having to reroll another char.

Overall, I'd say ex-swg players would find it extremely good because it's very similar to the old swg and very fun.
DanTheMan said:
Overall, I'd say ex-swg players would find it extremely good because it's very similar to the old swg and very fun.

Mate don't say that you'll get me playing :p
REPLY to redman,
Check out the newbie yard on the eq2 forums there is some good advice on picking a class. Races are mainly cosmetic but some do lend them selfs to certain classes more.

Think how you want to play (solo/grouped) and what you like doing.
There are 4 archtypes (mage/fighter/scout/priest) then under that each type has a 3 classes and each class has 2 subclasses.
Some subclasses are good or evil (eg you cant be a necro if you start in the good city cause goodies dont fiddle with corpses)
None are useless but some are more in demand than others check the forums for advice.

If you dont understand or need help with something ask.
If your coming from WOW you well be amazed at how helpful people will be in the world chat channels in game. I have yet to see someone calling people noobs or giving the O RLY bit after you offer someone advice.
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I say this when ppl ask for advice on an MMORPG.

what are u into?

fantasy = GW/WoW/EQ/EQ2

space = EVE online(pretty much the leading MMO atm)

other = city of heroes/villains

eve is quite literally a huge game and not 1 that the younger generation can get into and stick with so u get less narrow minded ppl than WoW tends to bring
My only beef with EQ2 (which is really like WoW, but rather more sophisticated) is that the graphics coding is *crap* - I have a fairly decent setup but have to use low settings to get a playable framerate. The graphics programmers for EQ wouldn't know a tight piece of coding if it came up and bit them on the arse :rolleyes:
EQ2 is giving old subs 5 free days if you log on now (same as SWG did and Planetside)

And i have to agree about eq2's system requirements and performance its not the best BUT its not a FPS you dont need 75fps. and it looks infinitly better than WOWs carton style IMHO
House said:
EQ2 is giving old subs 5 free days if you log on now (same as SWG did and Planetside)

And i have to agree about eq2's system requirements and performance its not the best BUT its not a FPS you dont need 75fps. and it looks infinitly better than WOWs carton style IMHO

I hate wows carton style so much , Eq2 Looks so much better but the engine sucks yeah it looks amazing but you need a stupid spec to run it, I got a Druid to Lvl 26 but the whole performance issues made me quit :mad:

So I can play wow without any performance issues what so ever but looks a pile of crap Or play Eq2 and suffer with the shi**y engine :p
Zefan, you can't go 10 minutes in Ryzom without a SWG bashing session starting up, usually started by all the pre-CU refugees in the game :D

While the game feels completely different, the mechanics behind it are similar to the old SWG. There are four main skills trees - fight, magic, craft and forage. You can train them all as much as you have skill points for. They branch into sub trees as you progress. Magic into offensive and defensive, fight into melee and ranged, craft into half a dozen different trees - armour, weapons, jewellery. A few players have maxed out two trees, but no-one is even close to maxing out the whole lot.

Foraging is very similar to SWG, although you use spells to find stuff. Some kinds of resource are only available during certain seasons, and some from certain animals. But the animals move depending on the season. Although it's not perfect, it's the best attempt at a living world I've ever seen.
Just downloaded the free Ryzom trial myself. Going to see if this new beginner island is any good and if I can get back into the game :D.
I tried Ryzom for a week, but found it all a bit cutesy. True game mechanics are very Similar to SWG pre CU, but I can't hunt Jedi or dance in a cantina :( .
im playing COV 14 day trial , i played COH for a few months back in 2004

its excactly the same but quite fun none the less.

check out pcgamer sweden for a free trial key ( make up a fake swedish address)
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