What next after LTO ?

We used to use LTO tapes for our backups but a combination of only having an LTO2 drive and more then doubling our server infrastructure meant we reached capacity eventually. So instead of whacking in a newer drive like an LTO6 one with new tapes I bought us a set of 1TB external HDDs and have set up batch files to copy across our Veeam VM backups every day.

It's by no means an "enterprise solution" but we're only a small-medium charity and it works perfectly well.
I would never feel confident in using external drives for offsite backups. Would they stand up to the constant moving back and forth etc?

We have/had a similar issue here.
Ended up with Veeam doing vm level backups on a 45 days restore point basis. These backups are kept on a dedicated server with about 20Tb of storage. We then write a full backup off to tape once or twice a week for offsite keeping.

Currently looking at changing the tape route to a remote server or SAN or but struggling with data change amounts and bandwidth.

Tapes may be clunky and you can end up with a lot but I still think they are the best solution for offsite backups.
We've almost completed moving all regular backups to Nexsan SATA disk array targets. Only really critical data is copied from there to tape. We've gone from using two 2-drive and three 6-drive tape libraries to using two 2-drive ones.

Analyse your data, find out what what you actually NEED to backup and of that what needs to go to tape. Chances are it's very little.
Whatever you do don't do this by asking people if they think their data should be backed up, because the answer will always be "my stuff is the most important". Sit down with the people who make those decisions and get some criteria written down to define what constitutes normal data, sort of important data and critical data. Then if someone whinges that their cat photos calendar didn't make it to tape you have something to point at.
Consider creating a "coporate images" share where all official jpegs/avis etc are stored. We actually went further and have a hosting site (a bit like a private youtube site) for all our users.

Then exclude all image, mp3 and movie files from backups :)

Believe me you'll save a LOT of tapes.
We were looking at a product call Syncsort, which is based around a netapp filer. As our storage is all NetApp, and our VM's sit on NetApp, it make sense to keep to the same storage tech. Plus it can do all of the VM backups, CIFS backups, and alos backup servers to disk or tape. A sweet product, does everything virtual & physical B2D And B2T. Not Cheap however, now theres a shock.
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