What on earth did I just kill with fire?

Your screwed. You just killed a manta wasp, soon you will find eggs attached to the side of your house, once hatched they will devour you, and proceed to make a nice buttery sandwich with your bread and butter! :o :(
Saved a Bee on Sunday, felt good about that.

We've got a small hive (dunno if it's a colony, not seen a queen) living in the space under our bathroom. Someone neglected to block where the overflow pipe popped out when it was removed, and now bees have made a home in there. The entry point is about 8-9ft up, and they pose no problems at all so we've just forogtten about them. Feels good man.

Plus every time I go in the garden I have Nicolas Cage screaming "Not the beeeees!" in my head, which makes me chuckle.

Already seen the thread, a name massacre I tell you!

Ah the massacre was a couple of years ago when Gilly and the rest of the mod team went mental and names were changed at random, on request and everything in between.
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