Quite a lot actually, but most of them I don't visit anymore. My Yahoo account from 1998 still works last time I checked though, maybe I should take up playing chess again and cripple my rating . Also got some pretty ancient Hotmail/Softhome accounts, stopped using the latter however once the ditched the free pop3 service.
In terms of forums the only one I regularly visit is ADSLGuide. From time to down I'll browse the forums at Quakeworld.nu, funky (txtspk4tw innit!) and freddyshouse.
www.facebook.com - For wasting time during revision. It's amazing!!!
Ocuk has the best forums, but i have more important things to do atm like revise, do exams, then chill, drink beer in the sun and chase ladies wearing sweet F.A.
I'm a member of OcUK. That's it. Haven't felt the need for another forum yet. Most of the time when I'm on the net it's games\email\BBC\OcUK. I rarely go anywhere else.
This would be the only website that I'm actually a member of, I occasionally read other forums as a guest but I've never really been interested enough to sign up to them.
I am a member of far too many forums and other webpages although a lot of them now aren't visited as much. As a lot were involved with UT gaming which i am really being honest not playing now.
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