what other sites are you a member of?

I created and administrate puzzletome.com, and visit and contribute to a few other puzzle sites around the web. Nowhere else at the moment though.

Quite a lot actually, but most of them I don't visit anymore. My Yahoo account from 1998 still works last time I checked though, maybe I should take up playing chess again and cripple my rating :o. Also got some pretty ancient Hotmail/Softhome accounts, stopped using the latter however once the ditched the free pop3 service.

In terms of forums the only one I regularly visit is ADSLGuide. From time to down I'll browse the forums at Quakeworld.nu, funky (txtspk4tw innit!) and freddyshouse.
DS Mania
G! (CS:S Clan I am in)

Registered to others but hardly post in them or read them often though.

Stuff like:

Howard Forums
Student Room
Gentoo forums
A couple of tiny American forums that I got into after PlanetHalfLife went lame
20six, so I can comment on some people's private blogs
Good Greif, ok here we go:

www.techmonkeys.co.uk - My Tech Support Site (owner)
www.h2hclan.com - clan website (admin)
www.vitalsecurity.org - Paperghost's security forum
www.temerc.com - Tom Mercado's Security site
www.malwarecomplaints.info - Malware complaints logging (mod)
http://forums.maddoktor2.com/ - ASAP - alliance of Security Analysis Professionals - (admin)
http://www.dozleng.com/ - Calendar of updates
http://forum.malwareremoval.com/ - Malware Forums - (mod)
http://bfccomputerhelp.com/ - Computer Support forum - (mod)
http://forum.hijackthisaid.org/ - HiJackThis analysis site - (mod)
http://s12.invisionfree.com/securitycadetsupport/index.php - Security Related forum - (mod)

Other tech support sites such as:


there are others I use, but those are the ones I am active on.
www.head-fi.org - Headphones and stuff for headphones.
www.diyaudio.com - For help with modifying my cd player.
www.avforums.com - AV stuff occasionally.
www.xtremesystems.org - Don't go on much anymore.

http://s10.invisionfree.com/saf/index.php?act=idx - Css clan.
http://www.chaosclan.rr.nu/ - bro's clan.
www.lathwood.co.uk - site for a number of servers i play on.

www.facebook.com - For wasting time during revision. It's amazing!!!

Ocuk has the best forums, but i have more important things to do atm like revise, do exams, then chill, drink beer in the sun and chase ladies wearing sweet F.A. :D
I'm a member of OcUK. That's it. Haven't felt the need for another forum yet. Most of the time when I'm on the net it's games\email\BBC\OcUK. I rarely go anywhere else.
I am a member of far too many forums and other webpages although a lot of them now aren't visited as much. As a lot were involved with UT gaming which i am really being honest not playing now.

Now my main forums/webpages are

DA Page
OcUK Godless Guild Wars forums

Regular member of the following forums:

overclockers.co.uk (duh!)
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