What papers and magazines do you read?

welcome back CBS. how long you been back!?

i dont read any newspapers at all any more.... havent read any for about 18 months to be honest. :)

only one resembling a newspaper is MSN which i just buy for the race reports.

read a few books this year which im quite proud of. :)
I originally had Total Guitar. Then realised it was complete rubbish, so started Guitarist. However, I became bored of the repetitive nature of them, so switched to Evo as I gained more interest in cars amongst other things.

I've cancelled it now though, as I found I'd read it in a night and not touch it for a month, so it wasn't worth the money.

No tech magazines here though.
Local papers-wise, we get the local parish newspaper, but the local papers are pretty awful around here.

For proper newspapers I tend to rotate around the Times, Independent and Guardian to try get a, albeit to a limited extent, more balanced view.
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evening post and sun.

Sun = waste of space, but I need something to give me a giggle at work.

Magazines, mopar muscle, but I need to renew my subscription

Oh yeh and my dad chucks me the new scientist when he's finished with it.
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Read weekly local paper and a few sections of the Sunday Times (sometimes Saturday if bored), plus monthly sub to F1 magazine and TopGear.
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I just get the video games mag Edge, I find it pretty pretentious at times but to be honest it's the closest thing their is to a mag totally focused on the industry rather than just about titles.
The Economist
Private Eye
New Scientist
The Times
The Independent (occasionally, it's a pretty shoddy newspaper)
Rock Sound
Knowledge (drum and bass magazine)

Oh and local newspapers are bloody awful.
I don't subscribe to any magazines any more and I barely buy any but if there is a paper around I'll usually read it: The Times, The Observer, Scotland on Sunday or The Independent for preference but since I tend not to be the one buying it I'll read pretty much anything. That includes The Courier as the local paper with such weighty stories as how it was a terrible shame that Mrs Paterson lost her cat up a tree for three hours until a nice fireman rescued it.
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