What papers and magazines do you read?

I don't usually read the paper because I don't really have time and I don't want to have to go and buy it every day. I'm awful, I know.

I usually try to read New Scientist and another scientific journal every week (the papers that interest me atleast). Keeps me in the scientific world while broadening my understanding and perspective of careers in science.

So I read them if I don't have to buy them and can sit quietly in the library without being interupted by people requiring my help on work. :(
I read the Financial Times, The Times, and occasional Spectator (quality). Online i read TimesOnline - very well presented website and you can get all the newspaper stuff on it. The online material will inevitably replace the paper news one day, hopefully I wont be around for that.

I will never read The Sun! Although i accept it as better quality than the Independant and Guardian - just plain boring, and naf reporting.
Top Gear, Autosport, Nuts/Zoo, and F1 Racing usually. :)
Another F1 Racing fan. :)

I would get Autosport but it has too much non-F1 stuff, not a bad thing in itself but I don't know enough about any of the other motorsports to read it.

Do you subscribe to Nuts/Zoo? I wouldn't mind if the price is decent. I get quite embarrassed buying them in Tesco if there is something I want to read (translate as someone(s) I want to ogle). :o ;) :D
I sometimes work on our supermarket's kiosk in the evening, and read the mags when there's nothing else to do. :D

I agree with Autosport lacking F1 news sometimes, but it's nice to have a round-up of what's going on elsewhere. I particularly like Nigel Roebuck's article, very good to read.
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