What PC components should i upgrade to run latest game on ultra/60fps

19 Oct 2017
Hi all

Currently looking to upgrade my my PC rig to run the latest games on ultra settings.
I'm running:
GPU:GTX1060 6gb
CPU: Intel i5-4670k
RAM 240-Pin DDR3 16gb
SSD 840 EVO 120g running windows 7
Power supply: 530W 80+ Certified ATX
My case is: Cool master N600

The GPU is only a year old but the rest of my PC is over 4 years old. Basically wanting to upgrade everything including CPU cooler and windows. I'm hoping there is no need to change my case? I would like to achieve smooth,ultra settings and high FPS in competitive gaming.

I have a budget of £800

I really appreciate and comments and advice in advance

thank you.
There are always one or two Ultra setting options that don't do much else than bring a system to its knees. Need to be selective.

What you want for competitive gaming is a higher refresh rate monitor (144Hz+) and a more powerful GPU to get more frames out of it, although with a GTX 1060 you could use 1080p 144Hz at Medium settings to get those frames. Competitive and Ultra don't really go together. But sure you'd be able to have them higher with a more powerful GPU.

CPU overclocked? Have an aftermarket cooler or stock Intel one?

CPU is not overclocked and using stock cooler. I'm total noob when is come to overclocking =]. My screen refresh rate won't go higher than 60 in monitor settings?
You can always grab a 1070 and grab the I7 that fit your socket, give it an overclock and sell off the I5 and 1060 this gives you money to upgrade monitor there if you want

Monitor worth upgrading? what would you suggest? This was my original plan https://uk.************.com/list/42KX7h hoping this kinda of money would be worth spending with what I'm running currently

thank you for the advice
If like your saying about competitive gaming you really need to bump your monitor from 60hz to 144hz. I have a 24” AOC monitor that when I purchased it was a great addition to playing games on such an improvement you can shell out roughly £220 for one upwards really depending on size, if you click on the monitor section on Ocuk website it gives you the chance to click on 144hz monitors

Thank you, I'll look into that.
The Ryzen 1700 will not give you faster performance at 1080p. I'd look for a used i7-4770K or i7-4790K and would pay £100-150 (some out there are over-priced). Get a good cooler that will fit in the N600 case and overclock it, and get a faster monitor. Can sell the 4670K.

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £79.85
(includes shipping: £9.90)

But wont the Ryzen boost my performance in games that are CPU heavy? i.e. "bf1 or PUBG". So the part list I put together isn't worth upgrading to as it wont make a significant difference?

Thank you for the replies and advice much appreciated.
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