What PC parts aren't overpriced at the moment?

30 Jan 2012
Hi guys,

I realise I'm probably not as plugged in to the market as many of you. Currently rocking a Phenom 2 and a 5670 on Windows 7 so many of you might feel I don't need to bother upgrading but anyway:

I realise that there is a chip shortage on and that graphics cards are through the roof but I’ve just treated myself to a 1440p monitor and fancy having a decent computer to go with. Should I just wait a while everything is hyped? Or are there things worth buying (i.e. decently priced) that I could realistically add a GPU to in a few months time?
I have been buying and selling parts on and off for the past year and have finally settled on my build.

GPUs: obvious

PSUs: prices are slightly above what they should be but you won't be losing more than £20 buying one now

CPUs: prices will come further down but it isn't an awful time to buy one. The newest Ryzens are good value when found on offers

Mobos: can be found decently cheap but will come down much further when AM5 releases

RAM: tough one to gauge. DDR4 more expensive than it has been, but can still be had quite cheap and if it follows the trend of DDR3 it will skyrocket in value when it is phased out of production for DDR5
I'd say it's not a bad time for anything except for GPUs.

The zen 2 and 3 cpus are down quite a lot lately, there's some great deals on b450 boards.

PSUs, cases and SSDs, there are regularly deals coming up. RAM is up from the bottom, but it's still fairly cheap.
PSUs are actually well available and at good prices.

Well there was a shortage of them early in the pandemic and it forced prices up quite a bit. They have mostly recovered but still £10-20 more than they should be.

For example good quality 750W supplies like the Corsair RM750x - should be around £80 but are retailing in the £95-105 region (in fact it's £115 on OCUK at the moment).
From what I can see nothing is that badly priced apart from GPUs.
  • The storage crisis of a few years ago is over.
  • RAM is pretty decent, a lot better than the early Ryzen days when you were talking £150+ for 16GB and as mentioned with DDR5 coming out it is likely to spike in price next year you'd imagine.
  • I guess CPU coolers look pretty expensive to me, or at least the ones getting recommended. Loads of them seeing to be going for over £50
  • CPUs not bad, Mobos are OK if you don't want high end
HDD prices haven't really changed at least (not really any cheaper to buy hard(mechnical) storage now than it was 8 years ago), CPUs look pretty much what you expect (the price to buy for example, an i5), memory prices jump around quite a bit(seems ok though) and mobo prices look reasonably stable (covering as wide a spectrum as usual). PSUs seem to have jumped up a bit (in the gold rated space), SSDs are coming down(as expected) and shifting about on pricing pretty regularly.

GPUs don't even need mentioning, that's not going to properly self-correct for a while, it will correct in time, naturally, but it is what it is.
Just GPU are highly inflated that I noticed, I watched prices for a few months before building a 5600x system at end of May. Mobo's have gone up but there's always a nice deal or two knocking around.
RAM prices have always fluctuated quite a lot over the years.

I agree with the above really just graphics cards now, which although there has been some slight improvement over the last 6 weeks is really still in a dire state.
Well there was a shortage of them early in the pandemic and it forced prices up quite a bit. They have mostly recovered but still £10-20 more than they should be.

For example good quality 750W supplies like the Corsair RM750x - should be around £80 but are retailing in the £95-105 region (in fact it's £115 on OCUK at the moment).

You can still get good quality 750W units for under £100.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £181.04 (includes shipping: £11.10)
Thanks everyone, seems as it I could probably start to research and pick a few things up. Oddly enough last time I built a machine I skimped on the graphics card and never got round to upgrading, I may ironically end up running that thing for a while if I don't end up with integrated (which I'm sure is now better than a 2gb 5670).
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