What percentage of your working hours are spent dossing on OCUK ?

9 May 2022
This forum is very active during the day, only explanation for that given that most posters are middle aged is that everyone is a bum or more likely they spend large amounts of time dossing on the forums whilst at work.

At the moment I’m probably a 65% work, 35% dossing kinda guy, however ive set myself a target of getting a perfect 50/50 split by the end of the year.

So who is OCUKs top dosser ?
Look at something like the Ukraine war thread by posters.
That's either war correspondents or JSA claimants.

My job is a complete doddle and I can basically check my phone when ever I want.
I'll only be very active if there's a particular interesting thread or after a new film/trailer is out.

And days off like today :p
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Not a lot as work is genuinely busy

i did have a massive break for a few years, i mainly logged in the rare occasion and had a nose but wasn't posting,

I have started to post a little more recently
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When I'm working I'm not on here. I try very hard not to be distracted when I need to concentrate.
Work requiring 2FA for a lot of stuff doesn't help as it means the phone has to be to hand.
My work has natural downtime, waiting for code to build and deploy, waiting for team members to do stuff, taking breaks so I don't get square eyes, so there's plenty of opportunities to check in on the forum without it taking away from work.
I check in and out most days most of the day :p i'm in the dosser/bum club (oo-er!), i'm long term on the sick from being a wage slave (i do miss work though).
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