What phone?

Wise Guy
15 Aug 2005
I'm looking to replace company phones. I'm looking for a good phone, but bells and whistles aren't of interest.

The criteria are :-

- triband (or quad)
- good battery life
- good performance
- ease of use
- bluetooth (for headset)
- compact size, but not at expense of resilience

I'm not in the slightest bit interested in MP3, games, data, 3G, camera, ringtones, etc. I know I may get these (or some) anyway, but they are worth nothing at all to me, so make no difference to the purchase decision.

Oh, and PAYG, not contract.

Anyone got any recommendations?
Sequoia said:
Thanks for the suggestions. Will look into those.

6230i is great, I would also not look at the Sony above, its a poor phone tbh. I also would sugest the 6310i older but still great.
Xpander said:
Only because looking at all your other posts in these forums you appear to be some Nokia fanboy or something.

Absolutely nothing 'poor' about that phone especially at that price. 1.3 megapixel camera, 3G etc.

ive never had anything to write home about when it comes to the latest sonys. they all seem to be developing joystick problems, or some other hardware fault.

Then again, the latest range of nokias are all bad aswell. if it isnt shoddy build (6280, that thumb pad is HORRID) its the software, which affects virtually all their phones from the 6630 onwards. Come on be honest, they all have problems with memory.

Right now, i wouldnt comfortable recommend any new phone. they all seem to be having their share of problems.
spirit said:
the best business phone ever, nokia 6310i. Maybe you wont like it cause its a bit big, but its reliable mega bat life and everything you want, theres a reason why merc still 'ave an option to put the cradle for this phone in their cars :D


Has one about 5 years ago, well, the older 6210, and I loved it. My dad still has it as his work phone it still fits the bill for the purpose it serves.
Xpander said:
Only because looking at all your other posts in these forums you appear to be some Nokia fanboy or something.

Absolutely nothing 'poor' about that phone especially at that price. 1.3 megapixel camera, 3G etc.

Fanboy, lol. How have you worked that out? I'm not keen on symbian OS so that counts out any recent Nokia smartphone. I just think Sony as a mobile phone makers is poor, as are most Samsungs and motorolas. There are very few good smart phones form these makes and there "basic" phones are far out played by Nokias. As for the K608i or what ever the number the phone you posted was, its poor, poor batery life and poor build quality, two main things I guess he was looking for. Want a all tricks phone go for an i-mate (aka, mda, spv, qtec.....) if you want a "plain" phone stick to nokia, if you want a half way house thats not that great on anything go for one of the others, that the way I see it.
spirit said:
no because the phone i recommended, the 6310i, is the biz phone ;)
It also appears to be discontinued, which is a shame because it looked pretty good. No local shops have these, or can get them for me. Looks like I'm back to square one.
Sequoia said:
It also appears to be discontinued, which is a shame because it looked pretty good. No local shops have these, or can get them for me. Looks like I'm back to square one.

i thought it might have been however, ti will prolly still be possiblet o get them..

then theres the 6230i, they are quite good too, its smaller same kind of functionality with extra candy - camera, colour screen, etc.


or 6021 http://europe.nokia.com/nokia/0,8764,71345,00.html

or the replacemetn of that i think which is coming out later (6070 or something)

or you could just get a 6310i from the internet {but then again if you are gonna use bluetooth a lot, you might want one of the newer one)
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6310i are old now.

Last time the company phones were upgraded we all got 8800s :)

I got one for personal aswell :D
Maz said:
6310i are old now.

Last time the company phones were upgraded we all got 8800s :)

I got one for personal aswell :D

Why would you want two? So that when the poor batery runs out you have another one? One was enough for me, having said that I am very temted to get a black one too. Think I will pass though 6 months of that was more than enough.
Spamalot said:
One stop phone shop have them is what hes trying to say. There under clearence phone. Some great deal to be had!
Only on contract though and the OP said he didn't want a contract.
Haly said:
Only on contract though and the OP said he didn't want a contract.

Well thats a contract with 12 months free so you could use it as PAYG. But if he doesnt want to do that then I'm sure ebay will be his friend.
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Spamalot said:
Well thats a contract with 12 months free so you could use it as PAYG. But if he doesnt want to do that then I'm sure ebay will be his friend.
It'll be a redemption deal though so he might not want the hassle as I'm assuming he wants more than one phone looking at the first post.
Ebay'd be best bet if definitely not contract. :)
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