What Ram for Asrock 939Dual

14 Jan 2005
Lincoln, UK
Im looking to get a 2gb set of memory modules to acompany my X2 3800 for the asrock 939dual board, but what set is more ideal concidering the 2.6 / 2.7v vdimm voltage restriction ?

Im tempted to go for for Corsair TwinX2048 3500LL with the aim of getting them upto 240 1:1. vdimm might restrict me though (dont want to volt mod).
If that aim too optimistic for the dual939 is the cheaper 3200ll a better option although its default latancies are higher then the 3500 already. Im aware that corsair only test there mem at 2.75 which is not an option to me.

Im currently running 2x512 3200XL modules (mixed v1.1 and a v1.2 modules) with the 166 divider at 2-2-2-5 with vdimm set at "High" (htt at 240 - mem at 200). Havent really tested them for there highest 1:1 rating but system froze durring memtest at 216 - 2-3-3-8(no errors but froze at 2% test 8, no keyboard control although memtest red dot kept blinking).

Finaly, how much of a performance difference is there with a divider and 1:1 mem/fsb ratio ? If it isnt anything meaningful i guess the 3200 will be ok with the divider as apposed to 3500 / 4400 mem at 1:1. My current setup mentioned above is getting 6155 average in the Everest Mem Read Test with the divider, i cant see if 1:1 would be better currently ;)
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Vegeta said:
When I run my ram at 2/2/2/5 @ 200 fsb I score around 33secs super pi, when I run memory at 2.5/4/3/7 @ 290fsb I get a score of 31secs on superpi.

On 3dmark 05 my score only increased by a few hundred not a massive difference but my CPU scores on 3dmark 05 tell a different story.

200fsb @ 2/2/2/5 1t - 5594 points.
290fsb @ 2.5/4/3/7 1t - 6828 points.

Is that running with a divider at 290 or 1:1 ?. Damned amazing if it is 1:1 as id have expected at least a drop to cas3 and being able to hold 1t no less.
How well do the ocz plats work at 2.7v (max availableto me) ? . due to vcore restricts as well in only looking at maybe 260 fsb 1:1 as the max. Im currently edging towards the corsair 3500 as even if i endup limited to the 166 divider, the 3500 offers lower latencies then even the corsair 3200.
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