What retro game would you like to see modernised?

Wouldn't mind seeing a graphical update for the Ultima games. Would probably prefer it in a Pillars of Eternity style engine rather than some more close up 3D type affair like Divinity. I know there was a fan made mod for Ultima 5 made in the Dungeon Siege engine, but something official would be good, especially for Ultima 7
Heavy on the magic - speccy
Any of the strike games (desert,jungle,urban)
Golden axe
Batman platformer from the 90s

Just a few I’m sure there are more
Chase H.Q. 1
Double Dragon 1 & 2
Kung Fu Master
Jungle Strike
Streets of Rage / Final Fight
Golden Axe
Super Punchout
Syndicate and Hired Guns.
Wouldn't mind seeing a graphical update for the Ultima games. Would probably prefer it in a Pillars of Eternity style engine rather than some more close up 3D type affair like Divinity. I know there was a fan made mod for Ultima 5 made in the Dungeon Siege engine, but something official would be good, especially for Ultima 7
Wow you guys are all my type of old school gamers !!!

Streets of rage , been remade already
Double dragon , been remade.
Syndicate = satteleight reign (cant spell) - remake but lame.

I would love "It came from the desert 1+2 " made into a open world game that gets more and more infested with time, that game scared the infinite poop outta me, the music was to this day terrifying when i hear it.


Eye of the beholder + HIRED GUNS would both work spectacularly in the modern age , with 4 player coop fprpg like skyrim, or in the original 1 square movement format
double dragon remake is rubbish (if its the one im thinking on steam)

EOB took me like 20 years to do
finally done it, im on EOB 3 now, but i gave up lol
F19 Stealth Fighter.

Had this way back on the Atari ST. Picked up the highest score ever awarded by ST Format magazine- 96%.
Gameplay was superb, lost a serious number of hours to that game. If they could do that again, but with modern graphics etc...
double dragon remake is rubbish (if its the one im thinking on steam)

EOB took me like 20 years to do
finally done it, im on EOB 3 now, but i gave up lol
Yeah was the same, it was beyond my young minds comprehension back then havent tried it since but have awesome atmospheric memories of the graphics style and sounds.
F19 Stealth Fighter.

Had this way back on the Atari ST. Picked up the highest score ever awarded by ST Format magazine- 96%.
Gameplay was superb, lost a serious number of hours to that game. If they could do that again, but with modern graphics etc...
Yeah that was amazing, i used to play that and comanche maximum overkill on my dads 486, along with privateer , which I'd add to the list also, Privateer felt amazing, i guess star citizen has that covered
Last Ninja series, loved these back in the day but like all retro games its probably already been 'reimagined' already.

It seemed like an age in development and used to drool over the screenshots in Zzap64 :D
Wouldn't mind seeing a graphical update for the Ultima games. Would probably prefer it in a Pillars of Eternity style engine rather than some more close up 3D type affair like Divinity. I know there was a fan made mod for Ultima 5 made in the Dungeon Siege engine, but something official would be good, especially for Ultima 7

A great choice and suggestion, 100% agree, keep it a 2D game. :)

Another albeit, cheeky suggestion, as it is new when compared to suggestions, although 10 years old - Left for Dead!

The graphics to this day are still fine, the only criticism, it missed some friendly's, e.g. it would be good to see other survivors fighting on the maps to make it seem like 28 Days. This was the only issue I had with the game.
I used to play this on a bbcmicro at nursery school, along with some f'ed up wizard of oz text game

My uncle and his friend designed chuckie egg while at college
Well if they are still with us pass on my appreciation :) I'd hope they are as this was around the time I graduated with my degree, or a year or two later. So sadly I was well passed nursery school when I first came across it on the BBC Micro.
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