You sure?That's annoying it went for £31! I just wrote it off as going for £50+ item. Ah well, I definitely don't need another board like that.
Not done much retro activities lately, but i did rehouse this last night. Pretty beastly mini Win98 Box.
I'm going off Windows 98 builds a bit, in the last week or two I've set up and used 3 but I can't really think of a reason to leave them assembled - no W98 specific or DOS games (or hardware configs) are grabbing me at the moment.
I've still got the small p4 system going but it's on the shelf as just don't have a need /want for it. My XP PC stored permanently under the desk can play all the games I want for the minute.
Tualatin 1.4GHz arrived, just about to try firing it up and see if it'll clock.
Also received a GeForce4 that I'm sure @Firestar_3x will approve of:
Be interested to see some 3DM 2000 scores with this along side the Tualatin. I just re-assembled my Tualatin and 4600. Interested to compare results.
No tweaks, just a fresh install of ME and 41.09 Forceware gets me 10784 3DMarks on my 1400 Tualatin.
I've just confirmed with the coolbits reghack (Powerstrip just causes my monitor to go to sleep :/) that the card is Ti4400 clocks of 275 core /275(550) memory. Going to see if it'll do Ti4600 speeds.Pretty much spot on with my score 10850 but that's with drivers 53.04 and an old bust up install of Win98. At 1470mhz i get 11327
Well today just got a hell of a lot more interesting... They're some kind of dual CPU Rambus RAM PCs...
Wife just collected a free "old" pc from someone on Facebook.
Sadly turned out to be a Core2duo Inspiron 530 which was probably bad enough by itself, but she also brought a monitor and printer![]()