@manisses - it's unlikely to be those capacitors, they are mainly there to smooth out the supply voltage, particularly if power demand changes - if anything you'd be more likely to notice instability under load due to damage to them.
I'd try the sound card in a different slot (personally I'd go with the 2nd PCI slot up), as it could be something random like IRQ/resources being shared badly.
(Putting it lower down would also give the Graphics card some "breathing room")
Different drivers may also help (as creative drivers have been hit and miss in the past), but somebody with more recent experience with a creative card may be able to help.
Not that's relevant to the problem, but it'd also be worth adding a rear case fan - although these older machines don't normally run hot - anything you can do to run them cooler is probably worth it to extend their life even further
I'd try the sound card in a different slot (personally I'd go with the 2nd PCI slot up), as it could be something random like IRQ/resources being shared badly.
(Putting it lower down would also give the Graphics card some "breathing room")
Different drivers may also help (as creative drivers have been hit and miss in the past), but somebody with more recent experience with a creative card may be able to help.
Not that's relevant to the problem, but it'd also be worth adding a rear case fan - although these older machines don't normally run hot - anything you can do to run them cooler is probably worth it to extend their life even further