What retro things have you done today?

No room for any more...
Shouldnt be looking during lockdown..
Still spotted this on market place and its bothering me how much I want it!

Just finished this little display project using a spare Ikea Ribba frame. I've held onto this classic overclocking Abit NF-7 V2.0 motherboard (plus manual and I/O shield) for many years when I built various PC systems for friends. I also kept the original parts and some extra processors from similar era retired PCs. Couldn't find any original boxes.

Now hung on my wall above my computer...used some black cardboard for backing with adhesive spray mount and then numerous double sided sticky pads for attaching the items to the board. I used the white mount to reinforce the back and reduce flexing. So far all holding!

Oops just saw its pre-2000 only stuff in this thread...sorry Mods please delete if no likey. The processors do have 1999 on them ;)
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Just finished this little display project using a spare Ikea Ribba frame. I've held onto this classic overclocking Abit NF-7 V2.0 motherboard (plus manual and I/O shield) for many years when I built various PC systems for friends. I also kept the original parts and some extra processors from similar era retired PCs. Couldn't find any original boxes.

Now hung on my wall above my computer...used some black cardboard for backing with adhesive spray mount and then numerous double sided sticky pads for attaching the items to the board. I used the white mount to reinforce the back and reduce flexing. So far all holding!

Oops just saw its pre-2000 only stuff in this thread...sorry Mods please delete if no likey. The processors do have 1999 on them ;)
Thats really cool actually!

I think we can allow post 2000 parts of this quality :)

Hit buy it now on this.

nothing amazing from my knowledge but if its actually a k6-3 then thats pretty cool.

Nice ATX desktop case tho and another soundcard for the collection.

Nice system! I have 2 of those Acme Desktop cases and they are really well built.

I have that board also hahaha. Socket 7 ATX motherboards are actually quite rare, and that will have a modded bios if its hosting a K6-3.

Nice score!
Just finished this little display project using a spare Ikea Ribba frame. I've held onto this classic overclocking Abit NF-7 V2.0 motherboard (plus manual and I/O shield) for many years when I built various PC systems for friends. I also kept the original parts and some extra processors from similar era retired PCs. Couldn't find any original boxes.

Now hung on my wall above my computer...used some black cardboard for backing with adhesive spray mount and then numerous double sided sticky pads for attaching the items to the board. I used the white mount to reinforce the back and reduce flexing. So far all holding!

Oops just saw its pre-2000 only stuff in this thread...sorry Mods please delete if no likey. The processors do have 1999 on them ;)

Hey Dave,

That's fantastic bit of work you got there. Mounted to perfection.

Hit buy it now on this.

nothing amazing from my knowledge but if its actually a k6-3 then thats pretty cool.

Nice ATX desktop case tho and another soundcard for the collection.

Looks like a good deal, plus as @cee-S-dee says you get a decent nos case out of it also! Don't think you can get them now but a few months back they were selling on eBay for about £40 including postage. Nearly got one myself but went with their Micro-ATX case instead, which is more restrictive but I wanted to minimise the amount of space my retro build took up.
I do always try and rationalise the deal in my head with that logic!
I think once lockdown is over I will have to have to have a clear out but for now its all good fun :)
Last night was my first proper gaming session on one of the retro PCs.
The 133mhz pentium was the choice.
Played the first 2 levels of doom and quake before deciding I was not in the mood to play such jumpy games.
I was surprised at how well the PC was running quake tho. The CRT really hides the low res well.
Had a good play on transport tycoon. Makes you appreciate all of the QoL feature in OpenTTD but I still lost sense of time playing the real deal.
I got a hold of exodos which is a fantastic library to have and will keep me interested in these machines for a long time now!
Just finished this little display project using a spare Ikea Ribba frame. I've held onto this classic overclocking Abit NF-7 V2.0 motherboard (plus manual and I/O shield) for many years when I built various PC systems for friends. I also kept the original parts and some extra processors from similar era retired PCs. Couldn't find any original boxes.

Now hung on my wall above my computer...used some black cardboard for backing with adhesive spray mount and then numerous double sided sticky pads for attaching the items to the board. I used the white mount to reinforce the back and reduce flexing. So far all holding!

Oops just saw its pre-2000 only stuff in this thread...sorry Mods please delete if no likey. The processors do have 1999 on them ;)

WOW this brings back memorys!
Playing Quake 3. I hated this game when it was released in 2000. The art style and frenetic gameplay just never grabbed. Q3 further got left on the shelf when Valve multiplayers really took off - Team Fortress, CS and DOD.

Watching Phil's videos to crank up the settings, it looks glorious. The neon skinned Bones character, eyeball and others doing all these fancy back flips to dodge rockets. :)

Looking back Q3 was ahead of its time. Playing retro games is a great way to pass the time in the evening and unwind.
I find it (very) fun in short bursts. I "completed it", if you can really call it that on a multi-player shooter, when I was doing my FPS history project. I'm more of a UT99 man I've decided.
Playing Quake 3. I hated this game when it was released in 2000. The art style and frenetic gameplay just never grabbed. Q3 further got left on the shelf when Valve multiplayers really took off - Team Fortress, CS and DOD.

Watching Phil's videos to crank up the settings, it looks glorious. The neon skinned Bones character, eyeball and others doing all these fancy back flips to dodge rockets. :)

Looking back Q3 was ahead of its time. Playing retro games is a great way to pass the time in the evening and unwind.

Quake 3 is the game that got me into PC gaming, and into PCs in general. Originally bought it for the Dreamcast in 2000, made some online friends and joined a clan, and we all (mostly) made the move to PC not long afterwards. It was pretty much all I played up until about 2004 when I guess I finally got burnt out (and ended up playing an MMO with my brother for a while instead). Played a lot of Threewave CTF, although did also dabble with Rocket Arena, OSP, CPMA, and Jailbreak. FFA on Gifford servers was a good laugh also. Still have a load of demos and screenshots from those days too! Good times.
My mum was going through old stuff and she found the box to my favorite snes game ever, Actraiser. I still have the cart in my collection, so I was chuffed when mum found the box!

Currently playing Axelay trying to complete it.
My retro activity involved moving room from the tiny box room to the guest room considering "all my crap" was spilling out of the box room and we aren't going to have guests any time soon! I've now got all my consoles set up.


I still can't find any interest in retro PC gaming, but I have got my Amiga set up for the first time since January or so.

I find it (very) fun in short bursts. I "completed it", if you can really call it that on a multi-player shooter, when I was doing my FPS history project. I'm more of a UT99 man I've decided.

Agree Q3 and UT99 are my current quick blast games, they both play so well.

Fancied a change from FPS and yearned for a decent driving sim. Nothing better than Papyrus sims - well, apart from the other big hitter of the day (Geoff Crammond). Sticking with Papyrus as I am saving the GP series for another day.

Installed my copy of Indycar 2, only to realise my CD version is MS DOS! Whilst I can get Indycar running in Dosbox, the controls might need some fettling. So being an impatient type, moved onto Grand Prix Legends.

GPL installed perfectly, 1600 x 1200 (using nGlide) quickly came to the assumption, the game is still as brutal as back in the day, impossible to race without a wheel (using an Xbox 360 wired controller on XP). I'll give it a proper blast once I have a wheel set up. Talking of wheels, it got me reminiscing. Googled the wheel I had back in 1998 - Digital Edge F1 sim:


Back to Papyrus, installed Nascar Legends, Nascar 2, Nascar 3 and Nascar 4. Use nGlide and NL, N2 and N3 happily run at higher resolutions. These games work perfectly with an Xbox pad. Separate throttle/brake and steering. People scoff when racing on ovals. Trying to race AI without causing mayhem is incredibly difficulty and timing overtakes (if running mid pack) is an art. Fall out of the slipstream (on higher realism) and you are essentially lost. In Nascar 4, there is an AI driver which is my nemesis, overtake get re-passed, retake, crash.

I am in the minority but since the first Nascar game (1994) addicted to oval racing and collected the series ever since. If you like driving sims and fancy something different, give it a chance.
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