What route to take?

22 Nov 2007
So i'm 34 and currently work as a data analyst (30k) and use excel/power query/power bi in my role. In my spare time i've been learning python and django ( udemy courses).

My plan was to build some apps in python and then make a portfolio website in the hopes of getting a junior dev role. I have built a Doctor/Patient appointment booking app and after recently completing a django course i'm making a simple app where you can rate bands seen at a festival.

Thing is when i'm looking at jobs now i'm seeing ones i could go to for 35k+ but its further down the data route and using things like Power BI/ Tableu(never used before). Or if i went down the dev route i guess i'd have to start at the bottom and be on 25k?

I do have a degree in computing (graduated 2010) but i dossed around in admin jobs for about 8 years before deciding i need to something more related to my degree. Any advice would be welcome :)
Its probably easier to find work going down the route of what your already using (Power BI / Power Query) and there's tonnes and tonnes of Power BI jobs at the moment as a lot of firms are transitioning over to it, I've just come off two contracts doing that.
It really depends what you prefer and enjoy doing though as well - do you prefer the Dev work or are you happier doing the data/Power BI type stuff?

Thats the thing, although dev stuff is frustrating at times when you get something working its so fulfilling. Data work can also be frustrating and not as fulfilling
If i want to earn 35k + in the next year or so its the data route i guess. I have seen some data roles that ask for python skills so i guess thats a compromise i am willing to make.
Applied for a job this morning and literally 20 mins later they called to book me an for an interview. That does seem a little bit odd doesn't it?

Also, it is considered ok to look at your interviewers linked in profiles beforehand?

edit :Job is Power BI analyst

i've only been using BI for about 2 months but i'd say i'm advanced in excel so i don't feel like BI is a huge learning curve from there. Will be doing as much research as possible before interview though
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yIt's fine to look up interviewers on LinkedIn. I've even heard some suggest that not doing so is frowned upon (I disagree but that's irrelevant if it is what others think).
Interview booked 20mins after application is unusual. I've spoken with recruiters same day but that's normally an initial chat to ascertain fit before engaging the hiring manager, rather than booking in an interview.

Going back to the original topic, when you talk about a "junior dev role" do you mean a generic developer or something more centred around data i.e. data engineer? If you are a data analyst with good data fundamentals who has learned Python there is no reason you shouldn't be able to transition into a data engineering role. It's unlikely you would need to start on £25k, you could probably get a pay rise taking a job as a junior data engineer.

Can be generic dev or data centred. Really i just want to use a programming languages (not sure whether DAX counts but i know you can use python in BI). Will have a look into data engineer roles.

Hi All

So i have been offered the job i interviewed for on Monday which is Power BI analyst. Only issue is my current notice period is 3 months and they have asked if i can get it down to one or two. I’m on leave at the moment and haven’t handed in notice yet.

What happens if you do leave without serving full notice period?
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Just talk to your manager the won’t usually insist on the full notice period unless you’re absolutely indispensable.

There are tons of jobs in the data analysis / Power BI field and a shortage of candidates so I wasn’t surprised you were contacted so quickly about this role.

Funnily enough he said i should be weary of these jobs as ai automation will make them redundant in 5-10 years, bare in mind he is an accountant so the same could happen to him?
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Of course they'll say that. Put your notice in to finish on a day that suits you.

Of course, don't resign until you have a written unconditional offer from the other company.

I’ve already put that in and requested either 1 or 2 months notice period but seems they won’t accept. I have signed contract with the new company.
They can refuse to accept, makes no difference as you won't be there from the date you put on your letter!

You may end up burning bridges. You have tried working with them to find a mutually agreeable date, they are standing firm and not compromising at all - that works both ways ie this is my leaving date and you need to start looking for a replacement or how best to manage your absence.

Of course this is after all talks have broken down.
I’ve already handed my notice in and didn’t specify an exact date.

I put something like “although my notice period is 3 months i would be grateful if i could serve 1 or 2 months please.”
Putting it that way they were definitely going to decline the request. You'd have been better off stating in the resignation that your last day of work will be X date. It's down to them to then come back and say "that's not 3 months notice".
Bummer, the new place was going to give me 2k for 1 months notice and 1k for 2 months
So they've refused your initial REQUEST, so now put in your 1 months notice with an exact finish date and pocket your £2k sign on bonus!

I don't understand your concern, if the shoe was on the other foot and redundancies etc came around for you, you wouldn't be given a second thought! There is no loyalty and you aren't married to the company.

Look after yourself ffs.
Can they give me a bad reference in future?
hey guys, so my employer won't budge on the 3 months notice which is a pain but whatever. My last contracted day is 12/09 but i have 9 days leave to take so i could start the new job around the 31st August but they say can't let me do that as i'm still contracted to the 12th. Is this normal? I am sure i've always used leave to start other jobs earlier.

I mean thats almost two weeks where i'll just be chilling at home. Guess it gives me time to work on some personal python projects but i could be using that time. to settle in to the new job.
yes they can - holidays are still part of your "employment" - your getting paid by the employer so you still work for them till your last day.

Sounds a bit ridiculous the employer whoever they are - Most will come and go with people leaving a bit.

However - work your notice, do the minimum your required to do to "tick the box" and leave on good terms. You never know when you might be back/come across staff etc later in your career.

Sorry i wasn't clear. My manager has no problems with me working with the new place whilst i'm on leave ,its the new place that say i can't do so.
I'm really struggling to stay productive during my notice period which doesn't end until September 12th. I

I'm wfh and tbh i have maybe 1-2 hours of routine work that needs to be done a day, the rest of the time i'm surfing the net wasting time/pottering about the house.

I am doing a power bi course from udemy a few evenings a week to prep for the new job, i am tempted to just start doing it in working hours but i'd feel even more guilty than i currently do.

Anyone been in a similar situation?
What I find a bit bizarre is why they are holding you to 3 months notice if you only have 1-2hrs work a day. I was held to 3 months notice previously but that was in a superbusy job where I was involved with critical initiatives so it would have been to their detriment to release me early.
In your situation they should just be using your spare capacity to transfer your responsibilities to others and getting that closed out in 2 months max, I guess they don't have a recipient lined up?

I wouldn't feel guilty about training as that is no less work related than 'surfing the net / pottering about the house'.

1) they made the other data analyst who worked for another team redundant/fired , not entirely sure what happened but communication issues have been cited as a problem so i think the latter
2) i've had to tweak some reports that said person made
3) no one else seems to know much about excel other than the basics
4) They haven't got a replacement yet
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