What RTS Games for a Low Spec Laptop?

Sudden said:
You used to play it? Thats great :D Not everday you find an old NSr. What was your name multiplayer?
No point in digging up the cd though. Some of the players got together and there are new patches out so you need to just download the game from the site. The latest version contains the whole game (it's around 16 mb :p) and you'l need to download it to play online.
Bunch of improvements since those days :)

You should play again :D We could always use more people.

Yeah I played years and years ago, when I still lived in South Africa. Had to play on a stonking 33.6 kbps modem connection at the time :)

I can't remember the name I used when I played though. It definitely wasn't CHokKA. Hrm I'll have to see if I wrote any of my account details down in the old CD case.
Chris1712 said:
c&c red alert 2, and yuris revenge. Tib sun, get commandos on there aswell thats a goodun imo.

earth 2150 maybe?

I forgot about commandos. I second that idea.
And i'm sure that that's not one game you'l finish quickly :p
It was years ago, but I rememebr I couldn't get past the fourth or fifth level without some cheats :p

And if you like msytery games, Myst :D
woah netstorm never realised that ever came out. Think I played the alpha version of that many moons ago and thought it was pretty good.

Think I'll give this a whirl later.
Lagmeister said:
Starcraft and warcraft I/II for me, nothing beats a good ol blizzard game for wasting some time.

Except WCIII, that is atrocious!

skullman said:
Still the best rts :) LAN parties I had years ago with mates we'd always end up playing that and nothing else lol.

And still THE most played online game in the world.
^ Hence the good ol, implying old, besides WCIII wasnt all that bad, it has its moments. Besides, Im playing through starcraft again now, it still has its charms, grwar goes the ultralisk
Mutaling pincer attack in a tense 1v1 battle net game versus an annoying terran who stims liek a nutter is where it's at... just hope he doesn't spot the lurker drop in time ^_^ gg
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