what should i do.

28 Oct 2010
It's been going round my head on what to do, Do i get get a quick build computer or should i save a little n go all out on a good spec pc?.
I have seen this:
and this psu:

and i will need a copy of windows or should i save up £500-£600 and get an i7 mobo bundle?

I dont need a case as i've got one and i have a hd 5850 gfx card and dvd drive. Is there much differents between the two i have picked or not?, all i will be doing is gaming n web thats it!.

once again thank you.
For gaming and web you do not need a I7. Personally if it was me and I had the money to spend I would get the i5 760. Just a more well rounded chip and quad is nice as games are slowly starting to take advantage of quads.. If money is tight then the I3 is a good setup and will serve you well I just feel the i7 gives you more "futureproofing" (if there is such a thing hehe).

Depends on what games you play as well. If you only play 1 game that doesnt take advantage of more than a dual core then the i3 but if you play a bit of everything then the i5. I am not to sure about that PSU though. Corsair is good stuff usually but if I was buying I would probably step up to the Corsair TX 650W(10 bills more)just because it is a proven model with good reviews.

You dont wanna skimp on the PSU. Maybe someone who has that PSU can chime in.
ok then cool. looks like the i5 might have to be then!, i play everything. what type of version/copy of windows will i need to get then? as it will be installed from new.
thank you
Home premium or above. I have used HP and Ultimate and frankly can not tell the difference. I just game and do basic web stuff like you. An OEM home premium looks to be the cheapest. The advantage of a retail copy is if you upgrade MB you can reinstall, etc. OEM is tied to the motherboard it was installed on so it comes down to how long your gonna keep that MB. In general a motherboard replacement is regarded as a "death of license" event.
Thank you all so much for quick reply!. I can't see me upgrading the mobo any time soon when i get it lol. so i will stick to that version of windows 7 seeeing as its only £82 :)..
thank you very much every1 :)
personally I would go i7, yes it may cost a bit more and may as of now be overkill, but it will hold its value far better, and its will be future proof a lot longer.
OEM means you get no support from Microsoft, no manual and no fancy box. It will require a phone call to Microsoft explaining yourself if you do switch motherboard or make a significant hardware change.
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