I have been given some cash and made the mistake of telling the wife. The only thing she'll let me spend it on (other than her) is a decent sound-bar for our Panasonic 47" TV, as she's as annoyed with the rubbish sound on it as I am.
Now we would like something decent and started looking at the Sono's playbar and liked the idea of wireless surround but it would cost a bomb by the time I got the other bits (even though I could do it a bit at a time) and then came across the YSP-2500 and liked that it seems to do a decent job of fake surround sound but it's pretty pricey, both of these are affordable at a stretch but are they worth all that extra cash compared to say the YSP-1400 which seems pretty good in itself, I could get that and a sub and still have cash left over but if the 2500 is worth the extra cash I might go for it. Of course if anyone's got a better suggestion I'm all ears (can't do a surround sound system though as she'll never agree to all the cables etc).
Many Thanks
Now we would like something decent and started looking at the Sono's playbar and liked the idea of wireless surround but it would cost a bomb by the time I got the other bits (even though I could do it a bit at a time) and then came across the YSP-2500 and liked that it seems to do a decent job of fake surround sound but it's pretty pricey, both of these are affordable at a stretch but are they worth all that extra cash compared to say the YSP-1400 which seems pretty good in itself, I could get that and a sub and still have cash left over but if the 2500 is worth the extra cash I might go for it. Of course if anyone's got a better suggestion I'm all ears (can't do a surround sound system though as she'll never agree to all the cables etc).
Many Thanks