What Stage are you at in your life?

Dazzy_G said:
i got to thinking, what stage do you see yourself being at? do you feel grown up yet? would you class yourself as a responsible adult? i know a lot of you are all Grown up and stuff but does has it sunk in yet? or are you still big kids?
How do you define "grown up" though?

I'd say that the biggest difference is that the nature, and cost, of the toys changes. Oh, and your bones get more brittle .... but that's more about age than being grown up. ;)

Being "grown up" is a state of mind. I still enjoy playing with my toys, and can be right juvenile at times .... or so the grandkids tell me. And the wife can sometimes be heard muttering things like "second childhood ..... or maybe third". :D

So, am I grown up? I sure as hell hope not! :D

Another definition I heard about being "grown up" is that it's kids that have forgotten how to have fun. That's why I hope not.
dmpoole said:
Nearly 48 and I'll never grow up.
I still feel 18 but my body is now acting like an old mans.

Good lord you are old, knew you were one of the older people on the forum as i know you have teenage kids (no i'm not stalking them or you :eek: ) always thought you were mid thirties with you exhuberance for life and general passion especially for music which a lot of people tend to loose as they get older.

Me i'm 22,

At uni doing a course i enjoy and find interesting ( History) took me a year to sort my crap out as it just all went wrong when i first started got far too ****** and cocked up a year.

Have a fairly large music collection that bring me great pleasure.

I appear to be stalking this incredibly good looking girl, either that or i seem to see her almost everywhere i go by coincidence, which is a bit odd.

Have a great set of mates, who i love to bits.

Have a job that is a bit cack but the people are generally cool.

Touch wood have just sorted out somewhere to live with two of my best mates from June/July, after moving home to sort out my financial mare.

Al is good at the moment, happy as i ever have been after a long process of sorting my head out and getting over my self esteem problems (banging the hell out of a model for 6 months kinda helps in that area :D) and realising that ia am generally an awesome person ;)

As for where i'm going, well passing this year would be a start which should be in the bag, then finish tis degree, to my teacher training, then start teaching little oiks history :D then a masters and hopefully a PHD in Moscow, on my quest to become the worlds most awesome historian :D

So as far as i'm concerned life is damn good at the moment.
theres no such thing as a responsible adult, its a myth created by western society and exported around the world...

as for what stage am i at? a ******* crap one.
Spud21 said:
Good lord you are old, knew you were one of the older people on the forum as i know you have teenage kids (no i'm not stalking them or you :eek: ) always thought you were mid thirties with you exhuberance for life and general passion especially for music which a lot of people tend to loose as they get older.

I appear to be stalking this incredibly good looking girl, either that or i seem to see her almost everywhere i go by coincidence, which is a bit odd.

Thankyou - metal keeps me young.

Perhaps this girl is actually stalking you.
Mir? Well, I'm not quite sure where I am, where I should be or where I need to be.

I've made so many different choices about exactly what kind of career I want and, although I'm passionate about all my choices, they've eventually died out as a career option; yet still remain major hobbies in my life. All for various reasons, like the potential such careers could give me in terms of work-load, money and lifestyle I could eventually acheive.

These include Dentistry, Pharmacology, Music, Web Development, Production (for film) and now on my current and I think, final choice, which is Business and Business Development.

Of all the choices, my current choice seems to be the most sensible, realistic and at the age of 21, still gives me a fighthing chance to acheive so much.

Sometimes I get upset as I live at home at 21, with no real career prospects lined up for me and I haven't lived independently yet. Although I am very indipendant anyway.

This year is the year in which I get a Sales Assistant job at a major PC and Components retailer in which I plan to move up the ladder. Start at the bottom like everyone else.

Supervisor, Deputy Manager, Store Manager etc. At the Store Manager stage I expect and want to move out of Liverpool.

No doubt that will take at least 5 years, at which point a 26 year old with a job as Store Manager for a major corporation on a 40k(ish) salary, isn't so bad at all.

Still young, fresh, active and able to do and acheive so much.

As for what stage I'm at in my life. Well, their is no doubt that I've been running over the same muddy path for the last three years, as I haven't really acheived much to be honest.

I feel though, that I've experienced a lot about life and matured in such a way that maybe makes me more prepared for a working and independent life. At least more-so than just finishing a degree and going straight into work.

In the last 3 months, everything has kinda come into focus and the future is looking a lot brighter and exciting, which gives me the motivation I've been begging for, for years.


Dazzy_G said:
Is it possible to be Half Grown up?

what do you guys think

I think it is, I feel like I am.

As to where I am, i'm stuck. I'm staying down here next year whilst most if not all of my friends are going to a uni away from here. My girlfriend will still be here :) and after she finishes college we'll probably go on a gap year. I'm in a very strange part of my life where lots of people around me are moving, and I'm staying put.
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I'm not really sure where I am, but I think that I probably seem a lot more grown up than I feel.

I have a good career, and although it doesn't pay huge amounts at the moment, there are tonnes of paths I could follow, and I'm really enjoying it. There should always be demand for buyers, so I'm not too worried about future prospects. I'm doing pretty well, and am in quite a high-profile position for the company. It's important that I achieve results and impress.. which is what I think (hope) I'm doing.

I have a degree (for what use Biology is in the buying world), and University changed me into a new, more confident person. I thoroughly enjoyed most of my time there, and made some of my best friends. Financial worries aside, I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

I have a car (OK, it's not new, but there's nothing wrong with it), I pay my bills etc., but the one thing holding me back is that I still live with my folks. I miss my independence at Uni, and it was extremely hard for me to move back home. Words cannot express how desperate I am for Leon and I to get our own place. Only then will I feel like I'm actually starting to grow up and set out on my own.

Hopefully this year will be the year :)

OvertoneBliss said:
In the last 3 months, everything has kinda come into focus and the future is looking a lot brighter and exciting, which gives me the motivation I've been begging for, for years.


Good, glad to see that things are finally starting to look more positive :)
I'm at the "omg is this really what my life has become?" stage. :(

I'm thinking the plan of visiting a strip club for a week on my 30th birthday is becoming an increasingly attractive option at this rate. ;)
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I won't consider myself an adult in any way shape or form until I'm out supporting myself and not scrounging off parents. Will be a few years until that happens.
At 20 I was in love with my GF, owned a house with her, had a good job and a small but close circle of friends.

At 22 I don't have the house or the GF anymore and I have more debt. The job's still there but it feels like a chore and I'm ten times more immature now than I was back then.

Uhhhh. :(
Rilot said:
I'm 30 years old.
I own my own home.
I drive a big car.
I have a £75k salary.

That's the grown up stuff

I play with RC cars.
I mess about.
I spend every penny of my money on toys
I still say "cool" and "sweet"

I'm green at the moment. :p :D
I suppose I tick all the boxes for grown up.....kids, mortgage, imminent divorce. But I feel like a fraud, and that any minute someone in a dark suit will come and tell me I've been rumbled and wasn't fooling anybody. I went from young teenager to 'adult' with a mortgage and kids almost overnight. I have lots of misbehaving to do!

But, for the first time ever, I'm facing life on my own. I have three very young kids, no job, within the next 6 months or so no house. It's paralysingly terrifying and I cant really see the woods for the trees at the moment. Not at all how I envisaged my thirties turning out.
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30 years old.
married. First child on the way
nice house
company car
waiting on a planning permission which could give me a very very comfortable future or a very very hard life which I'm not wanting to even think about.My future is in the hands of a load of idiots.
Wish I could say I feel 18 and have fun but I don't. I work and when I'm not at work I'm thinking about work, hope having the baby will stop that. :D
I was thinking about this when I woke up this morning.

I'm going to be 26 in just over a month and I was lying in bed thinking about how I'm now closer to the age of 30 than I am to 20. That was a scary thought.

I would say that I can be grown up, I've been living alone for 5 years and have just bought a new house with my boyfriend, I have a good job (doesn't pay hugely, but it's good anyway), I pay all my bills on time and run a car.

But I still can't believe I'm almost 26 (people of this age always seemed so old to me 10 years ago :() I still feel like I should be 20/21, not in my 'late' twenties :(
dmpoole said:
Nearly 48 and I'll never grow up.
I still feel 18 but my body is now acting like an old mans.

I didn't realise you were older than me either. :p and i must say that makes me happy. :)
I know what you mean about the body though. I have kept myself in shape but still i can feel it wearing out. Worst of all are the weird spider leg hairs you get popping out all over the place.
Getting old is compulsory. Growing up is optional :D

I can be both grown up and sensible whilst also being extremely childish and daft depending on the situation. There's a time and a place for everything, you just got to find the right time and place :)
Nix said:
Grown up - yes.
a lot of growing up to do - yes.
as others have said ditto, I'm still a big kid at heart, and I dont really know what I want to do with my life but I think I'm close to deciding I dont really see it as a priority but it'll happen when it happens :)
this is the most depressing thread ever.

im 19 and 20 this year.. going to uni in september.. and hopefully get a good job when i finish.. if not ill join the forces. im fit and healthy, but i feel old being 20 this year :s

maybe ill get laughed at from you lot out there :)
34 years old

Until late last year I hadnt really 'grown up' mentally I still felt 19/20 although I didnt tend to act that way, but that is the way I felt, then things changed, and it all happened very quickly. THe catalyst was my marrage falling apart this made me wake up to who and what I had been for the previous number of years and it scared the hell out me. So I have had to take a long hard look at my life and I now have a plan of where I want to get to and almost how to get there, and I am now actually looking forward to that journey. Its going to be hard but the rewards at the end of it outway all of that...

Anyway enough of my ramblings :)
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