What Steam skin are you using?

I had no idea steam even had a skins option... I still miss the old blocky style one...

I remember the first time I was forced to use it playing CS, remember that grey/green?

I was furious at the time, but I actually love the system. I ended up loving the original style too, though it’s still pretty blocky ;)

I’d quite like a big revamp at this point too; I’d love to see a description of my game when I click on it, I’ve got a lot I bought on a whim and have no ide what they are.
Valve need a Skin tool with a API which allows for more modifications which allows updating via workshop.

Until then, I will wait :D
Default since the update last week that tweak settings for UW and 4k setups, I'll be switching back to Metro once he's updated it.
Used Metro for a while but went back to default when I formatted, haven't really missed it, to be honest - might give PixelVision a go though!
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