Well, where this is hamster-related relevance, of course. Which is in pretty much any situation. Lockdown [being in a cage would kind of be the norm for you], eating [peanuts, wood knaws], bedding [cotton wool, tissue, sawdust], drinking [chrome water bottle], etc lots of things have a different context and have to be reformulate to accommodate the fact that you identify as a Mesocricetus or whatever. I mean, God knows how you manage to post on the internet. If you identify as a hamster it's pretty hard to take you seriously on anything since, well, you're a hamster, and any views you have on said topic will be highly subjectified through dint of the fact that you're a rodent. How do you even type on a computer? Or assemble computer hardware? Do you squeak at people through Morse code to give them the relevant voltages for overclocking?
Why am I even having this conversation.