what the HELL is that sound???

19 Oct 2002
my macbook plays a sound every so often (maybe an average of about 30 mins, but varies) that sounds like 3 ascending chimes (not massively dissimilar to the tannoy announcement sound in a train station)... then a bit after if will do the inverse (descending chimes - also not dissimilar to a train station...)

anyone know what app it is cuz the sound is maddening! i could go through my apps one by one and leave em off but that wouldn't be conclusive so thought i'd ask on trust old OcUK :)

p.s. hope everyones not still stressed at me for my thread starting spree last week...
You might be sat in an airport. I do that by accident sometimes. Best thing to do is ask someone where you are and the book the appropriate transport home.

With any luck you'll still be quite local and it will only cost you a taxi.
HOLY CHRIST! I was just about to board a Boeing 747 to Syria!!! I thought i WAS waiting for a taxi you've saved me some trouble mate!

seriously... it just happened again, but NOTHING happens... its not a mail, an IM, nothing! GRRRRRRRRRR. (I think i may well be going funny in the head :()
Sounds like the Adium sound when someone signs in

Yup... sounds like it.

I'm not stressed or anything but, use the thread where people can answer your questions - rather than starting a thread on each encounter... plus, I created that thread, so it'll be nice if people actually start using it... :p
Yup... sounds like it.

I'm not stressed or anything but, use the thread where people can answer your questions - rather than starting a thread on each encounter... plus, I created that thread, so it'll be nice if people actually start using it... :p

That thread needs to be made a sticky to keep it at the top and where people can ask and recieve answers swiftly. then someone can clean up this section abit!
Sounds like the Adium sound when someone signs in


Quicksilver, tell your contacts to stop beings nubs and to sign in when they sign in rather than disconnecting every 5 minutes for attention.

Alternatively, just turn the volume of it down in Adium preferences. :p
HOLY CHRIST! I was just about to board a Boeing 747 to Syria!!! I thought i WAS waiting for a taxi you've saved me some trouble mate!

seriously... it just happened again, but NOTHING happens... its not a mail, an IM, nothing! GRRRRRRRRRR. (I think i may well be going funny in the head :()

Stop. Making. Pointless. Threads.

If you look into the Adium preferences you can change the sound if you like. The sound you have it set to at the moment is TokyoTrainStation.

I really can't believe you didn't know what it was.

Stop. Making. Pointless. Threads.
yeah sorry man, was just carrying on the joke there...

i tell you what fella's, the mac section is the only part of this forum where people just dont understand that not everyone understands everything you guys do... i'm NEW TO IT ALL FFS!!!

once i know all the ins and outs, then i'll be joining in answering the noob's questions and i sure as hell wont be having a go at them about it...

i'm pretty sure i could wipe the floor with a few of you when it comes to other things i'm into... but does it BOTHER me that some people aren't as good and would like to learn? hell no!

now pack it it the lot of ya... i don't make you reply to my threads... if you wanna help me out with my "noob" questions then its much appreciated, if you don't then don't even come in!

"Stop. Making. Pointless. Threads"

now THATS a pointless post if i ever saw one!

you've all seriously gotta stop getting worried about ooo this post should have gone in this thread and all that crap, stop being so anal about it its JUST A FORUM, a great place to give and receive information and THATS IT! Its also a fun place to hang around when people aren't so agro!

/rant over. JEEZ!
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i tell you what fella's, the mac section is the only part of this forum where people just dont understand that not everyone understands everything you guys do... i'm NEW TO IT ALL FFS!!!

We give you that man. We understand.

Its just you make threads like you have never been on a computer before in your life! :p

we understand your a little excited Mac user, but there is no need to keep starting threads just ask any new questions in any threads you have open.

We will answer them, just common sense tbh
what the hell are you all on about??? if i have a seperate question, ask it in an unrelated thread? thats not how the forum structure works!?! a thread title is the title of the related discussion, then all related posts are together... otherwise when people search by thread title for specific things they'd miss a lot of useful stuff!

any Justin, "keep the amount of threads down" - what the hell for? there is absolutely no logical reason to not separate different topics into their own threads! are you worried about me using up too many kb's of OcUK's server space? cuz i'm sure they can handle it...

mac owners are weird, except me, i'm straight down the line :D... this place is mad.
yes they are all anal, im the cleanest here. There is no need for a whole new post on a trivial matter is what people are getting at which is why a noob thread was created, so the forum can be left for more substantial posts! currently a simple search with bring up the noob thread until it is made a sticky i think this thread should be closed now

Edit: it would appear the noob question thread has gone!
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right ok, next time i have a question i consider to be particularly noobish, i'll create a thread called QuiKsiLVeR's Noob Questions, and keep em all in there...

whatever makes you lot happy.

(but personally if i was looking at the mac thread from a knowledgeable persons point of view... i would see a thread title relating to something i know about, and that would be my reason for going in... but like i said, if me having just the one thread will keep the peace then so be it...)
Christ, don't get your knickers in a twist :p

We're just trying to say that a lot of questions you have asked have either been asked before, or are simple questions that Google can answer.
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