what the HELL is that sound???

If you don't want to post your "other" questions in an "old" thread then why not hijack the aptly named "mac" thread that's already done.

That should cover everything as it's pretty vague ;)

Also, don't go saying things like "I could wipe the floor with you in other areas", it just makes you sound like an arrogant git.
As long as he's not breaking the rules, it's not up to other users to dictate how the guy posts in the forum. This place is weird.
As long as he's not breaking the rules, it's not up to other users to dictate how the guy posts in the forum. This place is weird.

I agree.

It is getting annoying that every day there is a new thread about an issue that's been answered before. I don't mind helping but for the sake of a quick search then it becomes tedious.

Also, as others have pointed out.. Why not keep all the questions in one thread instead of spamming the board endlessly?
*Whips out a chain gun*

*shoots everyone in the head*

Yes, I'm that good.... :p


My noob thread is gone, seems like the mods don't like my idea... well, I tried :(
It is getting annoying that every day there is a new thread about an issue that's been answered before. I don't mind helping but for the sake of a quick search then it becomes tedious.
Vote 1, move on. Take the mick out of someone for posting threads if you want, but don't try and tell people what they can and can't post.

Despite what a lot of people would love to think, the Mac forums aren't owned by four or five individuals who can dictate discussion. It doesn't matter how annoying people are being by not searching for anything, you can't do anything about it, so give up trying.
thanks god for that there are a few people who agree with me...

if it was up to you lot, we'd just have the one thread with a few thousand posts in it... keep it all together nice and neat ;) (actually, thats unfair, you'd probably have one thread in software and another one in hardware...)

(sorry to take the **** but it is bloody crazy)

On a serious note, I am actually in disbelief at how people have got so upset that i have posted too many times on a forum :confused: who the hell cares?

I have also NEVER understood the people that get annoyed because other people don't search??? they might not disagree, but people actually get annoyed!?! I actually do search for most things i ask by the way, and a lot of the time i would also like the forums opinion, cause although a select few members of the mac section of OcUK are pretty damn inhospitable, i still value your opinions.

Bottom line, its a public forum that i have used for years without issue, stop getting annoyed at incredibly trivial stuff!
I don't think any of us are anal. I don't think i am anyway.

Think EVH is the only one :p


Oi! lol

I suggested searching, and yes, I do think there are too many repeat threads floating round but other than that I couldn't care who posts what.. the lack of effort to find an answer is what originally annoyed.

As for Caged's comment:

Yes? there are regulars in here but I can't see how they dictate the posting :confused:

Oh, and why the attitude lately mate? Have I offended you?
I knew there was a reason this thread wasn't dropping to the bottom!!

get you lot, arguing like a bunch of old women - yeah, it's good when people use the search function, but vBulletin's search is crap, and even when you do search it just gives you a chronological list of all the threads that match your terms - hardly very useful!

Live and let live, I say. Right now, some of the responses to these threads are making the dumb windows users who think Mac users are all snobby gits correct. If you want to offer help, do it - if you don't, please don't belittle people.
Ok, lets all have a big hug and kiss and make up. :p

Did you sort the problem in the end Quicksilver?
lol indeed i did... it was adium making the stupid sounds but it was not obviuos cuz nothing was actually happening as far as i could see...

changed the option to visual notifications only... all good now :)

(btw i also switched off growl... i just don't see why its necessary... for example if i get a mail, theres a small beep and i get a red "1" on the mail icon in the dock, if someone messages me, the little green duck goes crazy and waves his arms :D - so yeah, turned that off :))
I always use it - keep track of itunes track playing, tells me when someone talks to me on Adium (the dock icon bouncing does my head in), tells me when a torrent has finished downloading, when a dvd's finished burning, when a rar/zip has finished unpacking

(btw i also switched off growl... i just don't see why its necessary... for example if i get a mail, theres a small beep and i get a red "1" on the mail icon in the dock, if someone messages me, the little green duck goes crazy and waves his arms :D - so yeah, turned that off :))

And then you have to open up Mail and find it was just a spam message rather than that important email message you were waiting for.

And then you have to go to your chat window that was behind your work windows and find someone has just written 'lol'.

Growl tells me whether to bother checking Mail or Adium.

Growl isn't essential but it makes OS X that little bit better imo. Mine are customised to look like the volume/brightness alerts and only stay on screen for 2 seconds or so.
It's a nice idea but there's something about Growl that put me off too. I've had it on twice and got rid of it.
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