Hi all im gonna have a bit of a moan here
I have a virgin phone,tv,broadband my
Broadband is 10mb
phone is M size
I pay £50.75p per month excluding phone calls etc.
Now my mate has the same but he all so has the v+hd box he pays £41 per month.
he has been a member for less time and all so missed payments i never have.
I phoned up virgin and they say basicaly pee off we aint going cheaper.
My mate rang up other day he has been with em for about 15 monthes and got a better discount then me to £47 plus a v+hd box free.
Looking at there site this is latest deal to NEW customers.
I said can i have that deal they say no its to new customers so how my mate get it?.
Do i have to make up a bull crap story or some thing?.
Any advice welcome (rant mode off for now

I have a virgin phone,tv,broadband my
Broadband is 10mb
phone is M size
I pay £50.75p per month excluding phone calls etc.
Now my mate has the same but he all so has the v+hd box he pays £41 per month.
he has been a member for less time and all so missed payments i never have.
I phoned up virgin and they say basicaly pee off we aint going cheaper.
My mate rang up other day he has been with em for about 15 monthes and got a better discount then me to £47 plus a v+hd box free.
Looking at there site this is latest deal to NEW customers.
I said can i have that deal they say no its to new customers so how my mate get it?.
Do i have to make up a bull crap story or some thing?.
Any advice welcome (rant mode off for now