What to do with old pc's from work??

LordSplodge said:
As a fellow IT Manager, please do not give them to the staff. No matter how much you tell them they will expect support, bootleg software et al.

Especially seeing as they are teachers! ;)

Bin them, bin them quickly or do what I did with 15 Celeron 700s and give them to primary schools.

Nah it will be fine, they can expect what they want, but once i've said something, they won't usually come back. At the end of the day, if they want a pc with software, i'll tell them its not for them. If i don't get takers, i'll get a charity to pick up the whole load.

Primary schools around here won't want em, they are getting newer IT stuff in now.

Mal :)
Over Clocker said:
cba to ebay, package and courier pcs and monitors tbh. More hassle than it will be worth.


No need. Start them off as one lot, £1 start, buyer collects. Either that or the charity idea IMO. I would say donate them to your local school but... :D
Im an ICT Technician @ a school and we basically just made an image of one, rolled it out to the rest of the machines and sold them to staff at 10 quid a pop.

We made sure that we dont offer any support once they are out of our hands.

Thats what we did with 72 RM Machines heh.
Our IT dept had some old machines they offered staff.

Think they had spare copies of XP but did empathsise that you would have to load it yourself and there was no support!

The rest went to a charity - I have the details of one at work if you want them - we got a certifcate and everything for the donation ;)

BB x
Have a garage sale type thing. That's what the Uni by me does every few months or so - they just get all the old kit, clean it off, and sell it to "joe public" for peanuts. It's strictly no return / no support. All you need is a space and some tables....people love it.....I've picked up a few serious bargains myself ;) Then with the money throw an office party or get a pool table for the staff room :)
Setup an anger management control class, string them up and give people bassball bats, everyone loves to beat the proverbial **** out of a computer :D
We have a whole bunch in the back room, ranging from 486s to Athlons/Durons/P3s, as soon as i get time to sort some of them out they are either going to to the local voluntary resource centre, or the air cadet unit a colleague is an instructor at.
Over Clocker said:
Think i'm gonna offer them to Staff.

I'm an IT manager in a school and we wouldn't want them. All P4 here!

Will stress that they come with NO software and NO support.


Mal :)

Make sure you've cleared any BIOS passwords before sending them out. ;)
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