What to do with spare server

12 Nov 2002
In my own little world
I've got a spare server, looking for some ideas what to do with it ? :D

IBM e326m
2x Opteron 285
4gb ram
250gb hdd

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Co-locate it and rent it out? Game server or something? Seems a bit too powerful for any home use :)
Thats not a bad spec for a spare.

What is your current knowledge like? Familiar network management, could virtualise yourself an environment maybe play with ESXi
Thats not a bad spec for a spare.

What is your current knowledge like? Familiar network management, could virtualise yourself an environment maybe play with ESXi

This is kinda what I was thinking of doing, just not too sure on the exact extent of the environment I need to create.

Well you could install ESXi as a hypervisor, then set up a Windows domain if you hace access to MS server software, then maybe DHCP and DNS alongside the DC. After that...could have a play about with Linux, maybe play with file servers.

Good fun if you have never done it before, install windows server and set a client into the domain and have a play with group policy, useful skill and quite fun.
I have access to Microsoft Server 2008, was thinking of using hyper-v and running a DC, DHCP, DNS, web and WSUS.

How many VMs do think I could have running off this, my quad core shuttle, 4gb ram manages 4 ?

use it as an internet router. But you may need to up the ram, and spend even more money on it..

Seriously, the best use for a bit of kit like that, with currently no real purpose must be to install esxi on it and run /test/play with various virtual systems etc. Set up a mail server, music server, web, ftp, ssh, etc
If you definately want to keep it, set it up as a server 2008 direct access testbed. Certainly something I'd be implementing at home if I had the spare capable hardware.

If you don't want to keep it, or aren't sure, I could do with a spare incase one of our IBM 1U servers fails at work ;)
I'm def keeping it :D

I'm having trouble installing all the devices :/


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