What to eat with a sore throat?

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Retired Don
Hi guys,

My Fiance has got really sore throat. What soft foods are there that would go down well??

ps, no medical advise re: sore throats pls!!


Nourishment drinks. Come in all flavours and are gorgeous taste wise.
Body builders and other fit bods drink them for there nutritional value. About a pound a tin round here and most places. Contains many needed goodys in one cool milkshake like drink.
Ambrosia cream rice cold is perfect as well and for main course Shepherds pie's always a winner as there are no lumps. :cool:
I usually pick off 2 leafs of mint from my plant and add that to a cup. Add hot water and honey/sugar.

Drink, solved within 1 hour.
Ice Cream is good, I also find a can or glass of ice cold Coke really soothes a sore throat.
McDaniel said:
Angel Delight :D

Jelly :D

I completely agree with that! Infact if doctors prescribed that for sore throats I'd want one! :D

hmm I havnt had a sore throat in a while, but anything like soup, anything thathas been said before...except the bread!
I remember having my tonsils out when I was seven or eight. As a kid in hospital it was brilliant because I could have as much ice cream as I wanted, whenever I wanted it. :D
Ice cream, yogurts, jelly, angel delight, milkshake, smoothies.... anything along those lines, I tend to find the colder it is the more it soothes
geeza said:
..everyone seems to be ill

Tell me about everyone here in bradford is 11 schools have been closed to be disinfected:/

Sore throats, try scrambled egg, honey n lemon n warm ribena!
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