Not going to bother to respond about LEDvs QLED - life's too short, I posted a link for the OP, they can decide
My daughter has hearing aids and I'd love to use this, but realistically it'll mean trailing a cable across the lounge from the TV to the sofa! I'd also need to daiychain a couple of cables together as the hearing aids have a proriatary connector and the cable that links them to 3.5mm jack is only 1 metre long (and costs me £25!!).
not that his point really needed defending ....
well it is very common , which could be why they provide the functionality to control headphone volume and speakers independantly.
I forget what the % of people using hearing aids is (for youngsters too), and even with top end ones that have bluetooth, or a wireless mechanism, you need a fixed volume output from the tv.
My daughter has hearing aids and I'd love to use this, but realistically it'll mean trailing a cable across the lounge from the TV to the sofa! I'd also need to daiychain a couple of cables together as the hearing aids have a proriatary connector and the cable that links them to 3.5mm jack is only 1 metre long (and costs me £25!!).