What tools for modding?

15 Nov 2008
As title says, thinking about modding my case n want to check what tools I'd need
Was thinking of getting dremel 4000-4/65 and 114mm hole saw
This says does not include arbor, which I get is the bit in the middle used for locating holes, but is there any particular type/size I need to get?
Was thinking this one???
Anything else I need to be looking at? Aside from file, masking tape, wd40, specs n gloves?
Also wanting to put cable routing holes in, with grommets a la corsair cases, only grommets I've managed to find are plain open circular ones, anyone know if it's possible to source ones more like the ones corsair use?
Many thanks
Oh sry, tried linking from my phone, obv don't work, damnit
They were 114mm Starret hole saw and A10 Starret arbor, both at screwfix
Hole saw for 120mm fan holes for radiator modding
Just a dremel 300? Nothing else? Or you mean instead of the 4000?
Instead. Get a 120mm holesaw? And buy some of them fan grills from mnpctech perfect for judging where the holes will go.
They don't do 120mm afaik, 114mm is best fit from what I can gather, unless you're about to link me to one? Lol
Yeah I'd be using a template, I've read their article, quite helpful
So as far as you can see nothing obvious I'd need other than above? Cheers again
I'd get the 300 - 1/55 dremel. Works fine for most modding.

I'd also get a speedclick head and some cutting discs for that as it's a LOT easier when making cuts!!!!
That's why I was thinking the 4000-4/65 as it seems to come with everything you need incl the above, from what I could tell, yeah it's a bit more initially but I figured as it had all the accessories/attachments etc it would work out, cost wise I mean
So there's nothing else on top I need really?
Also could anyone confirm re the arbor n sizes etc?
They don't do 120mm afaik, 114mm is best fit from what I can gather, unless you're about to link me to one?

114mm is the correct size for a 120mm fan. The teeth on the hole-saw are around 1.5-2mm wider than the 114mm diameter of the hole-saw body which gives a 117-119mm hole.

This is perfect considering that the fan blades themselves are not 120mm, the fan casing is.

If you buy the saw on eBay, 9 times out of 10, you'll get the correct arbor with it anyway.
Definitely a 114mm holesaw

I bought my holesaw and arbor off amazon. However the arbor came with an odd shaped shank despite be thinking I was getting a plain cylindrical one. I managed to bodge it though by getting a bit of copper tubing that was just the right size to fit over the shank then attaching it to my drill. Wasn't perfect but it worked ;)
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The thing is, all you want it loads of cutting discs and a pointy grinder for bevelling edges... You just dont need most of the accessories (although the flex thing is brilliant)
Go to argos now, they have some amazing deals on a dremel, even the challenge (I know its not a massive brand but it does the job xD) looks good.
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