what up b-boys? in 4 words or less

Head like an orange
He’s from down under
Lots of hilarious threads
50 usernotes to consider
His name is magnolia
Where’s my ban hammer?
[verse 1]
Not my feet ... mum!
Stick it in ... bum!
How about... No?
Poor cutlery, no condiment

Dank stank, armpits rank.
I didn't read it right
Queen wasp, killer queen
Dem shoes ain't fly!

This is too many
That's a cut of a (verse)
pc gaming chair please
Attention seeking, go away.

Read title, knew poster
Is it, in yet
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It will be glorious

Battletoads, assemble! That's... Perfect.
Shes Homeless, cheese omelette
At least McNumpty will
be able to follow this.

chicken in ma shoe
not sure I get it
(recent life before and
after??? )
gonna die, not now

[verse 2]
Head like an orange *
shortened for brevity
Epstein didn't kill himself

* just LOL if you don't have 50 usernotes but you're not sure what they are but they're probably kickin' rad as heck. Noobs.
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