What upgrades for engineer in TF2?

engi is pretty good and balanced class imo. maybe could

- build fake buildings to confuse spies etc...
- build walls/barricades - destructable ofc with explosives but to provide cover/slow down opponent
- cloak teleports (not visible by enemy when not in use)
- land mines/claymores as a secondary weapon
- Caterpillar shoes -> slightly higher jumping and speed i'd say +15% to 25% (jumping over your own builds is a real pain w/ engi and it seems lastI played you couldn't jump on top of them as easily - which is a pain when building stuff closely 2gether in enclosed areas)
- improved crit w/ wrench
- kamikaze - when you self destruct a building etc... it blows up enemies nearby (ie sacrifice a sapped sentry and take out spy)
lazer pointer is pretty cool idea.

For the most part though, engi's are balanced, if anything overpowered at the moment.
A decent Engi can get his turret set up in a position that's immune to all but an Uber Rush.

I think any upgrades would need to encourage a more mobile offensive style of play, Engies already have defense nailed.
One idea is replacing the normal sentry slot with a Sentry in a wheelbarrow, that only upgrades to level 2 and can be pushed about (at reduced movement speed) This would be a good team weapon, as the Engie would need protection whilst shifting locations.

Or replacing the wrench with one that cuts build and upgrade times in half but makes your buildings degrade over time so you need to keep visiting them.
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transportable sentury / dispenser / teleporter.

Basically i noticed if u want to move up with engineer u have to destroy your teleporter ,sentury , teleporter. So i was thinking if engy could pack hes sentury in a metal box and place is somewhere else. same with teleporter and dispenser.

so basically u will not need to destroy your dispenser/sentury/ teleporter when u want to move up.

consequences: u can upgrade only to lvl 2 ;)

That consequence is a bit harsh IMO as anything less than L3 Sentry is just not effective enough. :(
I hope not.. I've been waiting for some spy loving since the unlockables were first announced!


Yeah, there was rumour going around when the scout update was announced, that it was really the spy update in disguise!! That would be pretty classy. Watch out for any update announcement that seems a bit ... "French" ;)
The Engi updates will (should) be for the piston, shotty and wrench, and not effect the buildings.

i would like spy update or sniper but i doubt sniper update will be soon as the new weapons would be hard to balance as current ones are just right

The trend seems to be give a new feature and remove another. Im thinking something like a semi auto sniper riffle without the crit charge up. No crits, faster firing. Mele will be slower hit with more of something, and no idea what they could do for the light machine gun...
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one cool sniper idea i saw..

replace SMG with a 'poster', you can pin this poster to any wall, and it stays there until the enemy shoots it.

now when you snipe someone, the deathcam zooms in on the poster and not the killer -hiding your location
one cool sniper idea i saw..

replace SMG with a 'poster', you can pin this poster to any wall, and it stays there until the enemy shoots it.

now when you snipe someone, the deathcam zooms in on the poster and not the killer -hiding your location


The sniper is the main class exposed by the death cam. Valve have made the DC a fairly major feature precisely to thwart snipers (and gives you some motivation after your heavy unexpectedly eats a head-shot).

This idea might work though, if the poster was 'used up' after each kill and had to be replaced. Otherwise snipers would just plant it outside spawn and camp someplace for whole match. :p
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