what volume is 1kg of lead?

The_blue said:
Thanks folks :)

I feel some back garden smelting is going to be happening ;)
Just get a cheapo milk pan from a £1 shop or charity shop and put it on the cooker dude (gas works a lot better than electric btw) and use an old teaspoon to clear the impurities from the surface before you pour.

Make sure whatever you're casting it into is strong and well supported too - if it breaks or flexes the potential consequences don't bear thinking about.
And put some small pieces of scrap lead into the mould before you pour - it mixes in with no problems and helps cool down the rest of the metal more quickly.
This 10 11 thing is stupid. Clever people have real amps that go from -10 to +10 on the equalisers, then 0-100 on the volume. You only really need 0-45 on mine because anything else will probably rattle the windows out. :p
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