What was your first (PC) computer, 286,386?

LG 80286 12Mhz. Was considered fast at the time. This was the first family owned PC.

I can't remember what I personally bought for my first PC myself, but I remember saving up for it. Can't remember if it was a Cyrix/AMD 386 style (K series) chip or if it was a 486 DX2 66.
Skipping past my Commodore Vic-20 and a few other things such as Speccy, St, Amiga ...

Olivetti 486sx25
Dell OPTIPLEX1 pentium 166mhz i think

Literally thousands of them around at the time all dirt cheap.
That was my first proper pc with tinterweb through aol lol
With lots of slow pron, damn i had a good time :)
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When tech was well into pentium 90 days my parents decided to buy the family our first PC, spent £300 or so and came back with a 386 SX33. Was an utter POS for the price but I gamed on it for another 4-5 years using bargain bin DOS games.

Roll on 2005 and they decided to upgrade! To an intel celeron 500mhz with no graphics card. TBH I blame these mistakes for wanting decent stuff now. I think I appreciate tech more as an adult as I had to watch everyone else being so much better off in my childhood.
Had some awful green screen thing for a while which you had to park the HDD heads on before turning off. It played Xenon & Carrier Command fairly well though. First proper modern PC was a p2 333mhz voodoo2 beast. I spent hours playing the games it came with (g-police, incoming! & ultimate race pro iirc)

Good times.
My first was in 1995 and it fitted with a P75 and a 1GB HDD. I can't remember how much RAM it had though. I do remember it being very slow! Descent was the first game I played on it :)
I had a PII 350 as my first when I started uni, which I progressively upgraded but had been using PCs since my dads amstrad 1512 which incidentally had starglider on it. Now there was a game.
I had a 386 16mhz (which I'm pretty sure had a turbo button) running windows 3.1. I think it had 3mb of ram and I can't remember what hdd. It was a hand me down and was a bit slow when I got it so I soon upgraded to a P75. The first computer I built was and Athlon XP1800+. It was amazing at the time!

I had one of the original IBM 8086s with the ram (256Kb?) hardwired onto the motherboard. Can't recall the frequency, but it was single figures. Green sceen. Dos 3.3 I seem to remember.

Had to park the 20MB winchester hard disk before turning it off :D

I still remember getting our first EGA (colour) screen. Amazing. Then a 286 that ran at 25Mhz, with boost to 33! Then VGA - "it's like TV!!".

Good times.
I had a Packard bell 486 DX2 50 with 4mb of ram bought way back in 1993 primarily to play Doom :p

Crazy how far PC's have come since.
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I can't remember the specs now. It was a Tiny and my dad bought it second hand from someone at work.

The PC we got next was a AMD Duron and an AMD Thunderbird as we built 2 at the same time.
486 sx 25 MHz. Can't remember the rest accurately but I'll try.

2 speed CD ROM
0.5 mb gfx
256 mb HDD
Sound blaster
14" svga monitor

Remember playing chuck yaegar and vette(car racing game like GTA).

Anyone remember encarta/Grolier encyclopaedia lol.
The first PC that was entirely my own was a Christmas present from my parents in 2000: it was an eMachines, Intel Celeron 633MHz, Intel graphics, 64MB of RAM, 15GB HDD, DVD-ROM, Windows Me and a 17" monitor which was pretty impressive back then. Upgraded the GPU with a GeForce2MX 32MB DDR about a month after getting it, and upped the RAM to 192MB shortly after that. Handled Hitman, R6 Rogue Spear and Motocross Madness 2 very nicely.

Almost forgot, I also had probably one of the best mice ever made, the MS IntelliMouse Explorer:


Legendary mouse, way better then razor and the rest. Perfect for cs and other fps.
Skipping the ZX Spectrum and Amiga machines mine would have been...

Pentium 166MHz
32 MB EDO Ram
Gigabyte GA-5AX Motherboard
Diamond Stealth 1mb PCI graphics - My brother gave me his voodoo rush 6mb
ISA Sound card
14.4K US Robotics modem
14" Samtron monitor. Could only do a max of 1024*768 at an eye destroying 60Hz
My first pc was cutting edge compared time some of these, AMD Duron 1200, 256mb SD ram, 20GB HDD and an nvidia geforce2 mx440. It Was a beast and I loved it in its beige brick of a case.
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I upgraded to a P3 666SE with geforce 1 sdr after first pc. Was perfect for quake/ut .

Diamond supra express 56E pro, legendary modern lol.
I upgraded to a P3 666SE with geforce 1 sdr after first pc. Was perfect for quake/ut .

Diamond supra express 56E pro, legendary modern lol.

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