What was your workplace/uni/school secret drama?



6 Sep 2007
Back at an old workplace there was a recently divorced lady who started an affair with a foreign coworker who'd moved here with their wife and kids. This had progressed for a number of years until it became almost common knowledge between the foreign workers foreign colleagues/community. We do not know if his wife ever found out but the assumption was she did because he was found inside his garage with a bag taped around his head and a pipe from the car exhaust fed inside. The divorced affair lady apparently also went to the funeral but didn't stay working there for too long afterwards.
Happen to my class in college. The dumbasses all used the same answers and made the same mistakes. I think 5 got expelled.
A woman who I went to school with ended up working in another office of the same company as me. She married a coworker. Ended up having an affair with their married boss. Got caught. Her and the boss then became a couple before it was found she was having an affair with yet another coworker.
History teacher got sacked for sleeping with an sixth form student. Went on for a year with most pupils knowing before he was caught.

20 years later, still happily married with kids now.

My maths teacher also got sacked for touching a pupil. Unfortunately the pupil was a 13 year old boy. I think the teacher spent 10 years in jail.
At 2 different workplaces (1 private sector and 1 public sector), there was whispering going on around me. I'm hard of hearing, so I figured that the whispering was to exclude me from the conversation. This went on for weeks at both workplaces, then what immediately followed after that was a round of redundancies. I survived both redundancy rounds, but it still ****** me off because my peers had a few weeks warning that people were about to be laid off. Because I was totally in the dark for being excluded, I won't have had any warning.
History teacher got sacked for sleeping with an sixth form student. Went on for a year with most pupils knowing before he was caught.

20 years later, still happily married with kids now.

My maths teacher also got sacked for touching a pupil. Unfortunately the pupil was a 13 year old boy. I think the teacher spent 10 years in jail.

My geography teacher was "seeing" the sixth form girl who lived across the road from me. They're still together, as far as I know.
A pupil put acid in the science teachers sandwich. We all had to stand outside for an hour until someone admitted it. But no one did admit it. This was in the 1980's so I guess the police would be called nowadays.

The music teacher was known for being very hands on with female pupils, including my brothers girlfriend when she had gone to that school. After I left it was in the paper that he had been sacked and arrested for groping girls.

A minor incident... I once punched the headmaster and suffered no consequences. He came up behind me and tickled my sides. I turned around thinking ot was a mate joking around and punched him. I think he knew he shouldn't be ticking pupils, hence no punishment :)
Newly promoted Director got himself and his female PA “promoted to customer” at Apple some years ago. A fair few people new it was going on and expected the PA to get moved to another department as direct chain of command relationships were against company policy.

Alas, said Director thought it would be fine to bring his PA to an European engineering team meeting in London (to which she wasn’t invited) and spend the evening seeing the sights. Which would have been fine if they hadn’t attempted to expense the PA’s flights and accommodation for the trip.

A smack on the wrist for both and a sideways move for the PA turned into a simultaneous double emptying of personal effects from office into cardboard boxes while Apple Security personnel stood over watch to make sure nothing got deleted/nicked and then they were marched off the premises through the main gate (Infinite Loop 1 on the old campus) together.

Cost the Director his marriage, his $250K salary and at least that again in Apple stocks and share options.

Absolute Muppet.
Around 1973 at High School there was a girl who used to do favours for dinner money, I personally preferred eating chips than go with her.
She had a bit of weight on her and one day we were all looking out of the class windows laughing at her doing cross country, I was no better to be honest.
About two hours later she gave birth to a baby in the bogs and left it in a sink.

I used to work at a factory called Creda/Hotpoint for 27 years and I was probably the only person on there who never had an affair.
Back in school the drama teacher got caught banging a 6th form student in the props cupboard. That was obviously the end of his teaching career but they actually ended up having a long term relationship and they had a kid together.

No longer together though.
I won't mention where for obvious reasons, but back in the late 90s there was a bloke who worked in the 'Goods In' department at the company I worked who got away with murder. Allegedly.
Had a catchup with old schoolmates last week and I think we counted 7 or 8 teachers who were there in our time who got done for noncing.

Latest one got locked up about 6 months ago. We all named another 4-5 who we were positive just never got caught yet.
At my old job a supervisor in his mid 60s had an affair with one of the employees, a barbie-girl lookalike in her early 30s. His wife also worked at the same place - obviously she caught wind of it and they separated. Within weeks him and the younger lass had also broken up so he shacked up with a different female worker. Her husband then started coming in and causing a ruckus about this supervisor moving in on his wife. It was all quite amusing tbh, the dirty dog.

The supervisor died earlier this year from Covid. Very sad.
Had a catchup with old schoolmates last week and I think we counted 7 or 8 teachers who were there in our time who got done for noncing.

Latest one got locked up about 6 months ago. We all named another 4-5 who we were positive just never got caught yet.

I looked at your location and am curious which school this is !
Christ, the amount of drama I had at school was ridiculous. It mostly involved me though so doesn't qualify for this thread :p
I looked at your location and am curious which school this is !

sadly not surprising...pretty sure there was another thread like this with multiple people stating the dodgy noncy behaviour of the teachers at their academy/secondary/high school

been a few convictions at mine too

pretty shocking really!
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