Two of the teachers at my school were rumoured to be shagging, which I'm sure is a rumour at many schools, but the (still married) man had a son in the year above me at the same school which made things a bit awkward. I knew the whole family as they lived round the corner and were old family friends, I'd been to their house a fair number of times, so it was a bit weird. The female teacher was a fair bit younger than him, and to be fair they did seem pretty close, they'd always be hanging around together at events etc.
Workplace, ignoring the usual thing about people sleeping together I guess one controversy was I had a female supervisor who was very flirty (with lots of people), talking about how wet some external visitor got her or whatever, but she would take things too far. She ended up getting fired for flashing one of the directors in the stationary cupboard. In hindsight although it never really clicked at the time as someone rather naive in their first job, some of the stuff she did would be classed as sexual harassment these days (this was 20 years ago), like she would position herself so you had to squeeze past and then grind into your crotch, stuff like that. It was nowhere near as appealing as it sounds working with someone like this, she was also pretty adept at what I now know is termed as gaslighting; she'd frequently deny having said / been told something, laugh off situations and put words in people's mouths. This type of thing must happen a lot with young new recruits and older staff who know the company inside out.