Do you have a list of all the NATO straps you have tried out, over the years?
My interest is primarily 22mm for my potential Pelagos, but that size would also fit my other watch as well.
Too many to list off the top of my head but I have photographed the majority of the good ones!
I can vouch for Watchgecko's Zulu NATOs as well as genuine Maratac branded ones. RSM straps have a substantial quality in look and feel Herringbone series as do Crown & Buckle's new Chevron range. My ultimate favourite though is the surgical rubber grade NATOs from Watchgecko (branded by Zuludiver). They are so soft, so comfy and look so good. They do cost a bit between £28 and £42 depending on model, but they are worth every penny.
Pelagps specifically then my favourite NATO will remain the Zuludiver 328 from Watchgecko.
But if you are no a fan of rubber materail for straps then the Crown & Buckle Chevron or RSM straps Herringbone canvas are extremely high quality whilst the Zulu brand ones come with buckles with removable springbars so you could use the Tudor buckles on those.if you wanted to I guess.
Here's what my fav ones looked like, all available in 22mm too.
Crown & Buckle Chevron Obsidian (currently my favourite looking non rubber NATO on the market I think due to the weave design and quality):
RSM straps Herringbone:
ZuluDiver 328:
The Horween ChromXL was a great soft leather NATO on the Pelagos too:
Other classics include the Vintage Bond but it's not as thick as the others:
Monkeyswag (MKS) also do some Maratac rivalling NATOs in canvas but only WatchGecko seem to sell the Zulu brand which offers removable buckles.
Timefactors version with newer design hardware:
Perlon selection, I had black and green:
The best til last though, Zuludiver 328, I have the later model seaton on my current watch though. Same type of rubber, just slightly different buckles: