What wired headphones do you use?

1 Nov 2007
I'm on the look out for some wired headphones to use with my DAC so I'm wondering what wired headphones you all use. Noise cancellation is useful to me so if you have any tips about that I would appreciate it.

I'll be upgrading from the DT 990 Pro 250Ohm headphones.
I currently use Sennheiser HD600s, which are probably more “different” than better than what you already have.

My suggestion is to go visit a good dealer with your DAC and try a few.

Heard good things about the more expensive Focals, but never heard them.
The biggest improvement I’ve had with cans was to drive them with a valve headphone amp.
I currently use Sennheiser HD600s, which are probably more “different” than better than what you already have.

My suggestion is to go visit a good dealer with your DAC and try a few.

Heard good things about the more expensive Focals, but never heard them.
The biggest improvement I’ve had with cans was to drive them with a valve headphone amp.
Sorry for the late reply.

I'm not sure I'll be able to go to a store but I'll certainly investigate the HD600s.

Interested to know what other people use as well.
I bought the Status Audio Between Pro Triple Hybrid wireless in-ears two years ago and was knocked out at the quality.
I decided to take a punt on these and they were every bit as good as some Beyer Dynamics I had that cost £300 - https://www.status.co/products/cb1
A few months ago upgraded to the Status Audio 3ANC in ears and the sound is awesome.
I feel Status Audio are one of the Worlds greatest unknown companies.
Sennheiser HD580s my normal wear. They may be old, but still lovely

Keep looking at Meze 99's as tried a friends set, and so comfortable. Very different sound, but not done a side by side comparison.

Do want to try some Hifiman planar magnetics too. Different tech and oddly reasonably priced compared to some.
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Focal Bathy are the best sounding noise cancelling headphones, but they come at a premium price (700-800). Usual suspects are Sony MX series or Bose at around 300. NC headphones don't need an dac though, they have one built in. They're primarily for wireless use on the go/office work/tv.

Proper headphones - depends what you want to spend and how much you will use them.

I'm more a speaker guy, but I've got some Hifiman Sundara (300) paired with an RME ADI-2 dac/amp for desktop use.

Sundara usually drop to ~200 in big sales...like black friday. They were 189 earlier in the year.
The only wired headphones I currently have is th:
sennheiser gsp300 and
Sennheiser ie600

If I include wireless headphones then I have a:

PlayStation gold headset
PlayStation Platinum headset
Turtle beach headset
Sennheiser PXC-550
Sony WH-1000-XM3
Sony WH-1000-XM4
Sony WH-1000-XM5

Out of all of these the Sennheiser ie600's sound by far the best, and they also happen to be by far the smallest
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I'm on the look out for some wired headphones to use with my DAC so I'm wondering what wired headphones you all use. Noise cancellation is useful to me so if you have any tips about that I would appreciate it.

I'll be upgrading from the DT 990 Pro 250Ohm headphones.

What AMP/DAC do you run, and what sort of budget do you have?

I have (or have recently had) in my possession the following:

Sennheiser HD598
Sennheiser HD650
Sennheiser HD800S
Beyerdynamic DT770 80ohm
Beyerdynamic DT990 Premium 250ohm and 32ohm
Hifiman HE400SE (great entry level planars)
Philips Fidelio X2HR
Audeze LCD2

I would say coming from DT990's and expecting an appreciable upgrade? I'd personally be looking at something on par with the Sennheiser HD800S or Audeze LCD2, I ran these on a WA7.

If you're looking for on par but with better noise cancellation? Give the DT770's a shot, they don't do the best job in the world but they are closed back and leak a lot less than the DT990's.

The LCD2's do have a closed back variant, but again without budget expectations and knowing your current equipment it's hard to recommend given they're better part of a grand.
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Apparently, or so I've heard, the Focal Clears are on par with HD800s and I've seen them on sale for 70% off recently and with the discount you can buy two or three of them for the price of one hd800s
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Apparently, or so I've heard, the Focal Clears are on par with HD800s and I've seen them on sale for 70% off recently and with the discount you can buy two or three of them for the price of one hd800s
I'm going to have to look into that myself, fantastic shout if true. Once you hit mid-fi like dt990s diminishing returns kick in hardcore and it's rarely worth spending more unless spending silly money.
The FiiO KA3 and I was looking at £300 - £400.

As you already have the DT990 Pro's, i can assume you like the sound of them ? If you do, the Beyerdynamic Amiron Home's fall in the middle of your budget. I bought these a couple of years ago and really really like them, very engaging and despite what the reviews say they do have plenty of deep bass available when fed right the source.
Can't post a link because our hosts sell headphones, but if you look around a rainforest you will find them at £359.
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As you already have the DT990 Pro's, i can assume you like the sound of them ? If you do, the Beyerdynamic Amiron Home's fall in the middle of your budget. I bought these a couple of years ago and really really like them, very engaging and despite what the reviews say they do have plenty of deep bass available when fed right the source.
Can't post a link because our hosts sell headphones, but if you look around a rainforest you will find them at £359.
Thank you! I'll have a look around.
Just an update to this thread. I ended up getting the HiFiMan Edition XS Stealth headphones and I am disappointed in them for a pair of headphones that cost so much so I'm sending them back for a refund.

So I've been thinking of either the DT1990 Pros or the Sony WH-1000XM5.
im another with Hifiman Sundaras. love the phones and found them noticeably better than the Fidelio x2hr headphones that i used previously.
open backed though so anyone near by gets to hear what im listening to.

im at the age now where my hearing has deteriorated on the high frequencies, so i think anything high end would be money wasted.

but you really need to go to a store and demo different cans. hearing is very subjective.
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