What would you do with £125 Million???

16 May 2004
Well, come Friday someone might be wondering what he/she would do with it after they win it or a share of it.

Its the Euro Millions draw again and the topic of most peoples converstaion during the day time on Friday.

As the thread title says... What would you do with it all.?????


I would design my house and have it built somewhere just outside of a major City. probably Derby because that where I live and all my friends are there too.

Have an 18 hole golf course with a 1 mile long race track built around and running in-between numurous holes. So I could drive a car a round it and my missus thrash her TT too.

Bulid a 64 PC Lan, each PC with 50" HD flat screen TV.

Full size cinema and a few Home theatres dotted around the house.

Pool and snooker house plus bar.



I would also build a few houses on my grounds for a few select friends to live in.

I wouldnt give any of the money to my friends due to the Tax man taking his share before they recieve it themselves. I would employ them and give them a salary instead. Like £500,000 a year to call me in the morning and say "Good Morning".

Buy a luxury Villa in Mexico, Ibiza, Hong Kong, Miami and where ever else take smy fancy..

Anyway these are just a few things I would do..

Now over to you
droolinggimp said:
I wouldnt give any of the money to my friends due to the Tax man taking his share before they recieve it themselves. I would employ them and give them a salary instead. Like £500,000 a year to call me in the morning and say "Good Morning".

So they get almost half taken away as income tax and national insurence instead? :p
Give it all to charity.


I dunno, i'd give a lot to my family, buy my friends a hell of a lot of presents, go to Uni and not have to worry about debts (Music Degree), build a nice recording studio and while away my days making music :)
id slap everyone in the face with a wod of cash (people i like) and give them it.. say £10,000. (say about 10/20 people)

id goto where i work parttime (im a student) and chuck £10,000 on the floor for the kitchen members to share.

give my parents £10,000,000. give my grandparents £5,000,000. the rest can sod off.

buy an uber computer. buy an uber amp and more fender guitars. STILL finish my education. and then id travel the world funding small projects to help people. set up my own little business and enjoy life.
Didn't we do this a few days ago, but over £100 million?

Still, it'll be interesting to see what people think they'd do with £125m that they couldn't do with £100m. ;) :D
A fleet of grossly impractical cars.

Several motocross tracks.

Several supercross tracks.

Several tarmac race circuits.

I'd build my own private street, call it Manic Street, and then start a business involving supplying temporary evangelical priests, to cover absences and whatnot, just so I could call it Manic Street Preachers (this idea has always filled me with mirth, for some reason).

Hookers. As in a permanent staff of them.

A massive sofa made out of big bags of cocaine. I don't do cocaine but that would be too pimp, plus the hookers could use it.

A big room like Cyril Sneer had so I could swim around in my money. Diving board too.

Armed guards. In fact no, **** it, henchmen.

And to actually keep me afloat.. I dunno. A distillery or something. I'd hire all the best whiskeyologists and make the most crazy yummo whiskey imaginable.

Then after a few years I'd probably die of liver failure.
I was thinking about this, and id hate to win the lottery, im sure it would screw my life up, i would explain this more but maybe someone understands me?
Put enough aside to travel the world until my dying day. The rest goes off to charity. No one really needs £125 million.
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Morba said:
die of a heart attack

I think I'd be in shock but then I'd order a belinea 20" widescreen monitor, a decent laptop, a good video camera, good digital slr with lenses just for the immediate materialism. I don't think I'd particularly want to tell people, for the first few years, as I'm only 16, I'd want to just be a flash kid, who can wave about a bit of dosh without people wondering owt.

I'd definitely give about £20million to family. And also about £20million to charity, maybe more.

edit: and mohinder - you've got it sorted if you win, man :p
Give parents £25m, sister £10m, Nanna £5m, mother-in-law £5m, £50m into a savings acount and I'll live (happily) off the interest.

I'll just masterbate the remainder on paying off my debts, and living the dream. :cool:
i wouldnt just give the money to charity... who knows what corruption can go on if someone hands you £20million.

id rather be involved in what my money would do... i.e. oversee the projects and id want to see proof that it is actually doing good.
buy a major company! or start one of my own,

ok a little challange for someone, if you put it in the bank what would be the average interest per year on 125 million pounds?

also what is the best computer on the market?

I used to think i would give everyone a share but lately I am thinking apart from paying of my/family's debts/mortgage I wouldn't tell a soul, might spent a bit more on gadgets and live in a better place but that's about it.
i think you would need instant protection if you did win... you seriously need proper advice on what to do with it... especially when it comes to putting in accounts.
dont you spread it over several accounts?
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